JENS QUORNING ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 18793407
Børup Sandevej 55, Skærbæk 7000 Fredericia
tel: 20257025

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212
Net sales
Gross profit38 206.1945 731.31
Employee benefit expenses-29 080.48-33 207.26
Total depreciation-2 848.66-3 044.29
EBIT6 277.049 479.76
Other financial income165.77754.82
Other financial expenses- 123.60- 234.03
Pre-tax profit6 319.2110 000.56
Income taxes-1 327.99-2 124.01
Net earnings4 991.227 876.55

Assets (kDKK)

Development expenditure15 117.7418 214.68
Intangible assets total15 117.7418 214.68
Land and waters11 136.1510 749.60
Buildings3 129.922 657.49
Machinery and equipment1 523.321 492.03
Advance payments and construction in progress2 612.65
Tangible assets total15 789.3817 511.77
Investments total
Non-current other receivables118.72118.72
Long term receivables total118.72118.72
Semifinished products17 331.1310 755.09
Raw materials and consumables15 480.8413 006.94
Finished products/goods9 159.8717 191.09
Inventories total41 971.8440 953.12
Current trade debtors3 026.851 564.45
Prepayments and accrued income675.9863.69
Current other receivables1 707.451 089.08
Short term receivables total5 410.272 717.22
Other current investments4 582.76
Cash and bank deposits7 708.857 977.98
Cash and cash equivalents7 708.8512 560.73
Balance sheet total (assets)86 116.8092 076.24

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital200.00200.00
Shares repurchased1 200.002 000.00
Retained earnings31 140.9132 201.84
Profit of the financial year4 991.227 876.55
Minority interest (BS)2 874.544 623.66
Shareholders equity total40 406.6746 902.05
Provisions3 059.905 187.895 941.86
Non-current loans from credit institutions4 804.644 501.99
Non-current liabilities total4 804.644 501.99
Current loans from credit institutions1 676.70303.91
Advances received22 947.1023 886.46
Current trade creditors8 933.165 293.35
Short-term deferred tax liabilities24.441 202.33
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities2 136.204 044.29
Current liabilities total35 717.6034 730.34
Balance sheet total (liabilities)3 059.9086 116.8092 076.24
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