VOGELIUS 1989 ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 36458445
Vesterbrogade 31, 8000 Aarhus C

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212
Net sales
Gross profit29 081.3827 275.53
Employee benefit expenses-21 713.73-23 040.76
Total depreciation- 257.82- 578.29
Reduction in value of non-current assets723.56500.00
EBIT7 833.404 156.48
Other financial income0.700.91
Other financial expenses- 653.79-1 197.01
Pre-tax profit7 180.312 960.37
Income taxes-1 584.22- 665.14
Net earnings5 596.092 295.24

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total514.29521.43
Land and waters4 520.604 499.34
Buildings52 366.4553 161.42
Machinery and equipment844.352 011.44
Tangible assets total57 731.4059 672.20
Participating interests112.50112.50
Other receivables2 053.992 617.77
Investments total2 166.492 730.27
Long term receivables total
Raw materials and consumables11 089.5714 445.41
Inventories total11 089.5714 445.41
Current trade debtors238.38130.18
Current other receivables3 117.248 042.52
Short term receivables total3 355.618 172.69
Cash and bank deposits445.89422.14
Cash and cash equivalents445.89422.14
Balance sheet total (assets)75 303.2585 964.14

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital90.0090.00
Shares repurchased117.80122.00
Retained earnings37 128.7042 602.79
Profit of the financial year5 596.092 295.24
Shareholders equity total42 932.5945 110.03
Provisions3 127.903 507.30
Non-current loans from credit institutions8 832.398 836.35
Non-current deferred tax liabilities914.171 527.60
Non-current liabilities total9 746.5610 363.96
Current loans from credit institutions6 148.7813 776.62
Current trade creditors5 690.726 020.74
Current owed to participating260.128.56
Short-term deferred tax liabilities479.461 157.21
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities6 917.126 019.73
Current liabilities total19 496.2026 982.85
Balance sheet total (liabilities)75 303.2585 964.14
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