JAG 23 ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 40096779
Kirkestien 4, Almind 8800 Viborg
tel: 24631805

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit795.0396.073 365.503 233.974 070.06
Employee benefit expenses-1 013.54- 699.47-2 308.66-2 929.29-3 216.27
Other operating expenses-23.59
Total depreciation- 230.93- 228.94- 233.90- 284.67- 413.14
EBIT- 584.83- 855.93822.9420.00440.65
Other financial income9.391.2611.383.411.03
Other financial expenses89.29-50.51-24.55-22.28-40.09
Pre-tax profit- 529.33- 905.18809.761.13401.59
Income taxes- 132.76267.720.98-88.30
Net earnings- 662.08- 905.181 077.482.10313.28

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Machinery and equipment199.43159.77107.19505.56328.45
Tangible assets total882.99661.47427.571 160.32698.53
Other receivables130.70130.70131.50381.50381.50
Investments total130.70130.70131.50381.50381.50
Long term receivables total
Finished products/goods31.66122.10242.36236.93
Inventories total31.66122.10242.36236.93
Current trade debtors47.00272.0778.58260.59
Current amounts owed by group member comp.225.4068.0263.55
Prepayments and accrued income11.2031.2911.4899.20
Current other receivables196.031 001.5271.74432.85708.17
Current deferred tax assets132.76267.72268.70168.42
Short term receivables total375.781 238.11710.84855.151 236.39
Cash and bank deposits5.605.52694.96190.63693.68
Cash and cash equivalents5.605.52694.96190.63693.68
Balance sheet total (assets)1 395.082 067.462 086.972 829.963 247.03

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital50.0050.0050.0050.0050.00
Retained earnings- 474.19-1 136.27-2 041.45- 963.97- 961.87
Profit of the financial year- 662.08- 905.181 077.482.10313.28
Shareholders equity total-1 086.27-1 991.45- 913.97- 911.87- 598.58
Capital loans1 600.001 600.001 600.001 600.001 600.00
Non-current owed to group member185.42181.45618.46725.45
Non-current other liabilities214.729.47
Non-current deferred tax liabilities370.07199.26
Non-current liabilities total1 600.002 000.131 790.922 588.532 524.72
Current loans from credit institutions392.32554.4111.3317.466.21
Current trade creditors230.891 256.09507.15633.79470.72
Current owed to group member66.01
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities192.12248.28691.53322.29705.74
Accruals and deferred income179.77138.22
Current liabilities total881.352 058.781 210.021 153.301 320.89
Balance sheet total (liabilities)1 395.082 067.462 086.972 829.963 247.03
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