CLEMCO DANMARK A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 33392230
Niels Bohrs Vej 40, Stilling 8660 Skanderborg
tel: 80331030

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit17 036.9418 740.7918 680.0626 552.4423 342.75
Employee benefit expenses-12 342.65-14 238.28-16 833.54
Other operating expenses-55.00- 122.00
Total depreciation- 550.61-1 306.28-1 877.91
EBIT4 143.686 149.594 814.0710 952.874 509.30
Other financial income86.7756.57185.88
Other financial expenses- 141.53- 332.97- 408.44
Reduction non-current investment assets- 600.00- 580.00
Pre-tax profit4 088.914 800.813 752.6010 076.473 706.73
Income taxes- 950.06-2 211.49- 949.73
Net earnings3 138.864 800.813 752.607 864.982 757.00

Assets (kDKK)

Development expenditure317.695 242.995 636.27
Intangible rights356.45
Intangible assets total317.695 242.995 992.72
Machinery and equipment1 065.32919.231 223.68
Tangible assets total1 117.821 486.122 006.42
Holdings in group member companies1 250.00650.0070.00
Other receivables450.9151 562.3440 745.23
Investments total1 700.9151 562.3440 745.23650.0070.00
Non-current other receivables450.91580.91
Long term receivables total450.91580.91
Raw materials and consumables16 271.2216 799.33
Finished products/goods14 787.04
Inventories total14 787.0416 271.2216 799.33
Current trade debtors21 498.0418 463.6219 178.83
Current amounts owed by group member comp.2 707.441 290.692 025.34
Prepayments and accrued income404.39776.681 962.66
Current other receivables138.622 688.171 279.87
Short term receivables total24 748.4823 219.1624 446.70
Cash and bank deposits1 577.721 182.261 871.71
Cash and cash equivalents1 577.721 182.261 871.71
Balance sheet total (assets)44 249.6751 562.3440 745.2348 502.6751 767.80

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital500.0025 308.6319 061.23500.00500.00
Shares repurchased5 000.003 000.00
Other reserves60.604 089.534 396.29
Retained earnings16 808.36-4 800.81-3 752.606 471.6911 029.92
Profit of the financial year3 138.864 800.813 752.607 864.982 757.00
Shareholders equity total20 507.8225 308.6319 061.2323 926.2121 683.22
Provisions184.381 309.072 258.79
Non-current other liabilities1 074.931 136.49
Non-current deferred tax liabilities665.681 807.61
Non-current liabilities total665.682 882.541 136.49
Current loans from credit institutions1 002.811 816.898 459.52
Advances received2 801.30
Current trade creditors11 838.7112 910.249 962.67
Short-term deferred tax liabilities866.00893.202 700.81
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities3 396.464 049.142 882.92
Accruals and deferred income2 986.52715.372 683.38
Current liabilities total22 891.7920 384.8526 689.30
Balance sheet total (liabilities)44 249.6725 308.6319 061.2348 502.6751 767.80
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