ENELCO ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 19550036
Herningvej 26 A, 4800 Nykøbing F
tel: 54462000

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Other operating income30.00
Gross profit9 639.329 551.2210 890.8211 540.0311 624.92
Costs of management-4 980.90-4 918.32-5 301.48-5 390.25-5 100.19
Costs of distribution-1 538.13-1 536.62-1 842.25-1 969.11-1 937.05
Wages and salaries-17 766.10-18 380.81-20 268.80-23 117.78-23 397.68
Social security expenses-2 427.03-2 543.15-2 880.30-3 234.63-3 583.15
Other operating expenses-28.20
EBIT3 120.293 096.283 718.884 180.674 587.68
Other financial income121.73157.442.148.8157.17
Other financial expenses- 146.36- 182.83- 209.08- 220.28- 338.31
Net income from associates (fin.)- 204.93- 170.90341.8917.48-2 244.49
Pre-tax profit2 890.732 899.993 853.843 986.682 062.05
Income taxes- 690.58- 684.20- 786.60- 896.29- 956.96
Net earnings2 200.152 215.793 067.233 090.391 105.09

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Machinery and equipment2 572.762 653.252 864.403 252.653 633.57
Tangible assets total2 721.552 781.282 971.683 339.183 699.36
Participating interests597.71426.81768.71502.48
Investments total597.71426.81768.71502.48
Non-current loans receivable20.0020.0023.0023.0023.00
Non-current other receivables137.47137.47137.47137.47147.22
Long term receivables total157.47157.47160.47160.47170.22
Raw materials and consumables1 211.161 413.981 343.331 366.711 211.92
Inventories total1 211.161 413.981 343.331 366.711 211.92
Current trade debtors4 392.895 662.287 347.189 433.2610 920.74
Current amounts owed by group member comp.343.14449.81
Current owed by particip. interest comp.2 969.503 376.932 401.932 401.93
Prepayments and accrued income99.5199.89
Current other receivables1 532.341 824.821 999.252 443.072 913.58
Short term receivables total8 894.7210 864.0312 091.5014 827.5813 934.20
Cash and bank deposits4 490.17205.58786.09108.06114.29
Cash and cash equivalents4 490.17205.58786.09108.06114.29
Balance sheet total (assets)18 072.7915 849.1618 121.7820 304.4919 129.99

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital125.00125.00125.00125.00125.00
Shares repurchased3 000.001 400.002 400.002 400.001 500.00
Other reserves572.71401.81743.71477.48
Retained earnings1 060.202 031.251 505.152 438.614 712.65
Profit of the financial year2 200.152 215.793 067.233 090.391 105.09
Shareholders equity total6 958.076 173.867 841.098 531.487 442.74
Provisions411.30593.31607.221 171.771 217.19
Non-current leasing loans1 589.021 573.201 708.261 813.501 927.38
Non-current liabilities total1 589.021 573.201 708.261 813.501 927.38
Current loans from credit institutions373.64431.32467.20512.10853.55
Advances received156.54478.67707.08630.30918.79
Current trade creditors2 071.051 472.092 334.113 231.132 722.27
Current owed to group member12.64
Short-term deferred tax liabilities883.64258.32772.69331.74911.53
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities5 629.524 868.393 684.134 082.473 123.89
Current liabilities total9 114.407 508.807 965.208 787.738 542.67
Balance sheet total (liabilities)18 072.7915 849.1618 121.7820 304.4919 129.99
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