MK Totalbyg ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures
CVR number: 41019964
Nygade 1, 6933 Kibæk
tel: 28604442
Income statement (kDKK)
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | |
Fiscal period length | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 |
Net sales | ||||
Gross profit | 2 699.00 | 2 359.00 | 2 567.00 | 1 782.06 |
Employee benefit expenses | -2 925.00 | -2 188.00 | -2 018.00 | -1 626.27 |
Other operating expenses | -4.00 | -5.20 | ||
Total depreciation | -8.00 | -25.00 | -30.00 | -31.80 |
EBIT | - 234.00 | 146.00 | 515.00 | 118.78 |
Other financial income | 0.46 | |||
Other financial expenses | -22.00 | -24.00 | -29.00 | -30.70 |
Pre-tax profit | - 256.00 | 122.00 | 486.00 | 88.53 |
Income taxes | 56.00 | -27.00 | - 108.00 | -21.37 |
Net earnings | - 200.00 | 95.00 | 378.00 | 67.17 |
Assets (kDKK)
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | |
Intangible assets total | ||||
Machinery and equipment | 100.00 | 105.00 | 74.00 | 102.38 |
Tangible assets total | 100.00 | 105.00 | 74.00 | 102.38 |
Investments total | ||||
Non-current loans receivable | 58.00 | 58.00 | 58.00 | 58.05 |
Long term receivables total | 58.00 | 58.00 | 58.00 | 58.05 |
Inventories total | ||||
Current trade debtors | 1 124.00 | 756.00 | 683.00 | 603.47 |
Current other receivables | 116.00 | 148.00 | 62.00 | 252.84 |
Current deferred tax assets | 56.00 | 29.00 | ||
Short term receivables total | 1 296.00 | 933.00 | 745.00 | 856.32 |
Cash and bank deposits | 316.00 | 624.00 | 595.81 | |
Cash and cash equivalents | 316.00 | 624.00 | 595.81 | |
Balance sheet total (assets) | 1 454.00 | 1 412.00 | 1 501.00 | 1 612.55 |
Equity and liabilities (kDKK)
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | |
Share capital | 40.00 | 40.00 | 40.00 | 40.00 |
Retained earnings | - 200.00 | - 106.00 | 272.80 | |
Profit of the financial year | - 200.00 | 95.00 | 378.00 | 67.17 |
Shareholders equity total | - 160.00 | -65.00 | 312.00 | 379.96 |
Provisions | 79.00 | 38.00 | ||
Non-current deferred tax liabilities | 62.37 | |||
Non-current liabilities total | 62.37 | |||
Current loans from credit institutions | 72.00 | |||
Current trade creditors | 228.00 | 335.00 | 148.00 | 148.35 |
Current owed to participating | 553.00 | 588.00 | 624.00 | 653.37 |
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities | 761.00 | 554.00 | 338.00 | 330.51 |
Current liabilities total | 1 614.00 | 1 477.00 | 1 110.00 | 1 132.22 |
Balance sheet total (liabilities) | 1 454.00 | 1 412.00 | 1 501.00 | 1 612.55 |
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