SDKbiler ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 27414494
Fredrikstadvej 7, 9200 Aalborg SV
tel: 98183600

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212
Net sales
Gross profit21 098.9637 290.76
Costs of management-16 573.44-31 798.61
EBIT4 525.525 492.14
Other financial income83.76152.12
Other financial expenses-1 539.19-3 940.31
Pre-tax profit3 070.081 703.95
Income taxes- 675.93- 427.98
Net earnings2 394.161 275.97

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Land and waters15 546.3814 788.02
Buildings13 946.7615 268.76
Machinery and equipment16.8353.91
Advance payments and construction in progress165.97
Tangible assets total29 509.9730 276.66
Investments total
Non-current loans receivable400.68586.02
Non-current other receivables292.20
Long term receivables total400.68878.22
Raw materials and consumables58 179.82128 642.36
Advance payments572.73272.04
Inventories total58 752.55128 914.40
Current trade debtors7 237.7819 006.04
Prepayments and accrued income375.06754.05
Current other receivables1 097.142 977.41
Short term receivables total8 709.9822 737.49
Cash and bank deposits31.81168.07
Cash and cash equivalents31.81168.07
Balance sheet total (assets)97 404.99182 974.85

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital1 000.002 000.00
Retained earnings26 661.2648 225.36
Profit of the financial year2 394.161 275.97
Shareholders equity total30 055.4251 501.34
Provisions1 328.641 821.32
Non-current deferred tax liabilities3 353.2621 469.97
Non-current liabilities total3 353.2621 469.97
Current loans from credit institutions7 763.2376 933.08
Advances received63.72288.39
Current trade creditors3 022.218 832.80
Current owed to group member38 992.81
Short-term deferred tax liabilities19.19
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities9 693.7015 524.35
Accruals and deferred income3 132.006 584.42
Current liabilities total62 667.66108 182.22
Balance sheet total (liabilities)97 404.99182 974.85
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