Ejsingholm Holding ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 41923563
Nørre Allé 86, 8000 Aarhus C

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212
Net sales
Gross profit6 911.394 242.79
Employee benefit expenses-4 516.45-4 457.31
Total depreciation- 259.44- 519.43
Reduction in value of non-current assets1 368.91- 918.70
EBIT3 504.40-1 652.65
Other financial income97.41622.70
Other financial expenses- 476.94-2 066.25
Net income from associates (fin.)3 639.28-2 718.76
Pre-tax profit6 764.15-5 814.96
Income taxes- 607.75537.48
Net earnings6 156.40-5 277.48

Assets (kDKK)

Development expenditure603.75650.77
Intangible assets total653.53675.66
Buildings97 983.8083 021.01
Machinery and equipment243.46589.73
Tangible assets total98 227.2783 610.75
Participating interests30 063.3928 477.73
Other receivables34.00
Investments total30 063.3928 511.73
Non-curr. owed by particip. interest comp.3 619.746 507.81
Long term receivables total3 619.746 507.81
Inventories total
Current trade debtors546.62259.21
Prepayments and accrued income36.4333.83
Current other receivables3 351.561 088.59
Short term receivables total3 934.611 381.63
Cash and bank deposits110.5764.77
Cash and cash equivalents110.5764.77
Balance sheet total (assets)136 609.11120 752.35

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital140.00140.00
Shares repurchased240.00
Retained earnings47 011.3854 192.63
Profit of the financial year6 156.40-5 277.48
Minority interest (BS)6 720.475 695.62
Shareholders equity total60 268.2554 750.77
Provisions6 099.025 447.68
Capital loans1 980.132 137.42
Non-current loans from credit institutions43 982.2538 843.82
Non-current owed to group member3 856.763 595.17
Non-current deferred tax liabilities2 220.044 419.83
Non-current liabilities total52 039.1948 996.24
Current loans from credit institutions1 064.271 106.65
Current trade creditors801.42506.40
Current owed to participating1 266.081 520.76
Short-term deferred tax liabilities959.29359.74
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities14 111.608 064.11
Current liabilities total18 202.6511 557.66
Balance sheet total (liabilities)136 609.11120 752.35
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