AURA E-Mobility A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 41881577
Skanderborgvej 180, 8260 Viby J
tel: 87925555

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length121212
Net sales
Gross profit-5 025.00-9 582.00-16 096.00
Total depreciation- 316.00-2 014.00
EBIT-5 025.00-9 898.00-18 110.00
Other financial income100.001.00
Other financial expenses-30.00- 137.00- 959.00
Pre-tax profit-4 955.00-10 034.00-19 069.00
Income taxes1 090.002 207.004 222.00
Net earnings-3 865.00-7 827.00-14 847.00

Assets (kDKK)

Development expenditure142.001 823.00
Intangible rights94.0022.00
Intangible assets total94.00142.001 845.00
Buildings2 960.0012 569.00
Machinery and equipment632.00642.00
Advance payments and construction in progress1 683.001 729.0011 337.00
Tangible assets total1 683.005 321.0024 548.00
Investments total
Deferred tax assets593.00
Long term receivables total593.00
Semifinished products1 406.00906.00
Raw materials and consumables1 324.002 700.005 400.00
Inventories total1 324.004 106.006 306.00
Current trade debtors2 048.001 440.003 484.00
Current amounts owed by group member comp.7 741.00191.001 157.00
Prepayments and accrued income95.003 020.004 688.00
Current other receivables647.001 759.00
Current deferred tax assets1 090.001 614.005 899.00
Short term receivables total11 621.006 265.0016 987.00
Balance sheet total (assets)14 722.0016 427.0049 686.00

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital400.00880.001 680.00
Other reserves73.00111.001 439.00
Retained earnings9 527.0017 144.0027 189.00
Profit of the financial year-3 865.00-7 827.00-14 847.00
Shareholders equity total6 135.0010 308.0015 461.00
Non-current other liabilities1 058.00
Non-current liabilities total1 058.00
Current trade creditors1 516.001 028.003 621.00
Current owed to group member6 993.003 353.0025 760.00
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities78.00417.003 786.00
Accruals and deferred income1 321.00
Current liabilities total8 587.006 119.0033 167.00
Balance sheet total (liabilities)14 722.0016 427.0050 415.00
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