BLIKKENSLAGERFIRMAET JESPER HANSEN ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 20853891
Hesselager 23, 2605 Brøndby
tel: 56828002

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length12121212
Net sales
Gross profit21 158.0419 208.2418 032.1936 385.99
Employee benefit expenses-17 165.30-14 869.97-15 324.13-27 568.78
Other operating expenses-32.00
Total depreciation- 109.07- 114.27- 218.04- 512.81
EBIT3 883.674 224.012 490.028 272.40
Other financial income96.07145.49152.63108.40
Other financial expenses-64.70- 173.05- 219.06-55.29
Pre-tax profit3 915.044 196.452 423.608 325.51
Income taxes- 875.67- 959.50- 562.06-1 857.22
Net earnings3 039.373 236.951 861.536 468.28

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Machinery and equipment417.00412.73997.13952.24
Tangible assets total417.00412.73997.13952.24
Other receivables63.0063.0063.00124.50
Investments total63.0063.0063.00124.50
Long term receivables total
Raw materials and consumables134.65130.46126.042 526.12
Inventories total134.65130.46126.042 526.12
Current trade debtors9 080.6513 242.6010 247.758 716.21
Current amounts owed by group member comp.4 757.68
Prepayments and accrued income227.91186.49
Current other receivables2 916.583 856.68811.771 734.62
Short term receivables total11 997.2317 099.2711 287.4315 395.01
Cash and bank deposits3 700.352 064.263 148.7842.88
Cash and cash equivalents3 700.352 064.263 148.7842.88
Balance sheet total (assets)16 312.2319 769.7315 622.3919 040.75

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital200.00200.00200.004 409.45200.00
Shares repurchased4 000.003 200.00
Retained earnings- 728.39- 889.032 347.923 209.46
Profit of the financial year3 039.373 236.951 861.536 468.28
Shareholders equity total6 510.985 747.924 409.454 409.459 877.74
Non-current other liabilities1 366.831 604.57
Non-current deferred tax liabilities874.761 613.051 655.20
Non-current liabilities total2 241.601 604.571 613.051 655.20
Current loans from credit institutions2.02
Advances received115.04
Current trade creditors1 806.422 716.332 559.383 152.43
Current owed to participating1 089.284 212.862 624.04
Current owed to group member224.54
Short-term deferred tax liabilities678.78814.13369.32414.88
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities3 979.274 663.624 021.123 196.02
Current liabilities total7 553.7512 408.969 573.877 102.91
Balance sheet total (liabilities)16 312.2319 769.7315 622.394 409.4519 040.75
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