Otto Schachner Nordic ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 42946702
Prinsessens Kvarter 2, Tårup 7000 Fredericia

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212
Net sales
Gross profit41 111.0047 333.59
Employee benefit expenses-27 136.00-30 590.82
Total depreciation-3 369.00-3 639.57
EBIT10 606.0013 103.20
Other financial income2 269.001 442.73
Other financial expenses-3 808.00-5 357.96
Pre-tax profit9 067.009 187.97
Income taxes-2 954.00-2 688.68
Net earnings6 113.006 499.29

Assets (kDKK)

Goodwill18 496.0016 451.50
Intangible assets total18 496.0016 451.50
Land and waters2 027.001 880.95
Machinery and equipment2 798.002 329.82
Tangible assets total5 383.004 613.95
Participating interests15.0015.00
Other receivables1 690.001 737.85
Investments total1 705.001 752.85
Long term receivables total
Finished products/goods93 393.0078 226.39
Advance payments934.00843.61
Inventories total94 327.0079 070.00
Current trade debtors33 464.0041 590.92
Prepayments and accrued income1 658.00842.81
Current other receivables224.00560.66
Current deferred tax assets248.00727.54
Short term receivables total35 594.0043 721.94
Cash and bank deposits5 340.005 138.43
Cash and cash equivalents5 340.005 138.43
Balance sheet total (assets)160 845.00150 748.67

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital1 420.001 420.00
Shares repurchased3 725.00
Other reserves65.25
Retained earnings63 594.0064 966.99
Profit of the financial year6 113.006 499.29
Minority interest (BS)1 956.0065.85
Shareholders equity total73 083.0076 742.39
Non-current loans from credit institutions16 287.0013 228.87
Non-current owed to group member3 714.001 478.31
Non-current other liabilities62.00
Non-current liabilities total20 063.0014 707.18
Current loans from credit institutions43 743.0036 148.24
Current trade creditors13 213.0010 988.82
Current owed to group member955.00291.38
Short-term deferred tax liabilities546.002 539.56
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities8 174.008 595.49
Accruals and deferred income504.00194.83
Current liabilities total67 135.0058 758.32
Balance sheet total (liabilities)160 845.00150 748.67
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