Ribe VVS ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 44142155
Mådevej 37, 6700 Esbjerg
tel: 75420621

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212
Net sales
Gross profit20 853.6644 851.98
Employee benefit expenses-19 495.41-40 772.16
Total depreciation- 574.45-1 119.61
Reduction in value of non-current assets1 213.60
EBIT1 997.412 960.21
Other financial income63.05319.77
Other financial expenses- 160.74- 195.97
Pre-tax profit1 899.713 084.01
Income taxes- 154.78- 682.09
Net earnings1 744.932 401.92

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible rights1 635.49982.62
Intangible assets total1 635.49982.62
Machinery and equipment1 355.65784.55
Tangible assets total1 355.65895.68
Other receivables39.00
Investments total39.00
Long term receivables total
Raw materials and consumables600.00600.00
Inventories total600.00600.00
Current trade debtors17 538.6912 978.57
Current amounts owed by group member comp.7 393.4116 871.12
Prepayments and accrued income902.97445.44
Current other receivables5 962.033 151.19
Current deferred tax assets494.87
Short term receivables total31 797.1033 941.19
Balance sheet total (assets)35 388.2436 458.49

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital40.0040.00
Retained earnings1 744.93
Profit of the financial year1 744.932 401.92
Shareholders equity total1 784.934 186.85
Provisions154.785 405.11
Non-current loans from credit institutions23.0657.18
Non-current liabilities total23.0657.18
Current trade creditors10 899.788 433.05
Current owed to group member3 599.301 299.65
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities10 557.477 386.47
Accruals and deferred income8 368.939 690.19
Current liabilities total33 425.4726 809.35
Balance sheet total (liabilities)35 388.2436 458.49
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