Maigaard & Molbech ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 37428167
Amaliegade 22, 1256 København K

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212
Net sales
Gross profit41 450.8656 109.11
Employee benefit expenses-38 673.09-44 283.42
Other operating expenses- 261.77-7.22
Total depreciation-14 399.22-73 744.00
Reduction in value of non-current assets-5 010.14-20 136.99
EBIT-16 893.36-82 062.51
Other financial income4 632.173 491.75
Other financial expenses-5 186.46-7 155.02
Reduction non-current investment assets-17 188.65-99 988.49
Net income from associates (fin.)-8.43-2.29
Pre-tax profit-34 644.74- 185 716.56
Income taxes1 878.801 640.83
Net earnings-32 765.94- 184 075.73

Assets (kDKK)

Development expenditure1 609.701 424.07
Intangible rights817.20
Goodwill94 054.3136 456.74
Intangible assets total95 664.0138 698.01
Land and waters20 764.5620 764.56
Buildings273 473.43253 571.87
Machinery and equipment7 525.768 468.19
Tangible assets total301 763.74282 804.61
Participating interests96 563.29
Other receivables105.76200.04
Investments total96 669.05200.04
Non-current loans receivable19 006.0426 081.24
Long term receivables total19 006.0426 081.24
Raw materials and consumables2 510.055 156.18
Inventories total2 510.055 156.18
Current trade debtors4 275.065 132.38
Prepayments and accrued income682.091 068.38
Current other receivables3 847.225 408.97
Current deferred tax assets1 588.302 484.33
Short term receivables total10 392.6814 094.06
Cash and bank deposits8 744.384 832.18
Cash and cash equivalents8 744.384 832.18
Balance sheet total (assets)534 749.94371 866.31

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital50.0050.00
Retained earnings45 772.50188 218.03
Profit of the financial year-32 765.94- 184 075.73
Minority interest (BS)263 552.58107 534.76
Shareholders equity total276 609.15111 727.07
Non-current loans from credit institutions190 613.00183 365.44
Non-current deferred tax liabilities21 514.8021 337.40
Non-current liabilities total212 127.80204 702.84
Short-term capital loans2 500.002 500.00
Current loans from credit institutions21 442.2518 890.58
Advances received590.57589.27
Current trade creditors4 064.477 444.37
Short-term deferred tax liabilities1 262.74
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities15 468.6425 695.19
Current liabilities total45 328.6755 119.40
Balance sheet total (liabilities)534 749.94371 866.31
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