Phillips-Medisize Holdings A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 37705497
Gimsinglundvej 20, 7600 Struer

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length12121212
Net sales391 040.00497 212.00
Costs of manufacturing- 286 486.00- 310 802.00
Gross profit104 554.00186 410.00
Costs of management-50 379.00-80 625.00
Costs of distribution-6 572.00-8 010.00
EBIT47 603.0097 775.00
Other financial income3 603.0011 294.00
Other financial expenses-22 625.00-24 422.00
Pre-tax profit-10 587.008 777.0028 581.0084 647.00
Income taxes-13 600.00-25 707.00
Net earnings-10 587.008 777.0014 981.0058 940.00

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible rights1 371.00927.00
Goodwill55 862.0039 512.00
Intangible assets total57 233.0040 439.00
Land and waters28 980.0028 937.00
Buildings14 789.0015 627.00
Other tangible assets2 016.00973.00
Tangible assets total45 785.0045 537.00
Other non-current investments184 620.00184 620.00
Investments total184 620.00184 620.00
Non-current other receivables589.00236.00
Long term receivables total589.00236.00
Semifinished products2 955.00395.00
Raw materials and consumables14 184.0022 189.00
Finished products/goods13 561.0011 346.00
Inventories total30 700.0033 930.00
Current trade debtors993.00
Current amounts owed by group member comp.111 459.0082 523.00
Prepayments and accrued income2 098.001 802.00
Current other receivables10 574.0010 379.0075 650.0065 574.00
Current deferred tax assets299.00
Short term receivables total10 574.0010 379.00190 499.00149 899.00
Cash and bank deposits311.00-4 029.0089 525.00176 208.00
Cash and cash equivalents311.00-4 029.0089 525.00176 208.00
Balance sheet total (assets)195 505.00190 970.00414 331.00446 249.00

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital500.00500.00
Other reserves500.00500.00
Retained earnings-5 393.00-15 980.00-20 594.00-5 433.00
Profit of the financial year-10 587.008 777.0014 981.0058 940.00
Shareholders equity total-15 480.00-6 703.00-5 113.0054 007.00
Provisions1 162.002 191.00
Non-current leasing loans921.00102.00
Non-current owed to group member215 079.00189 144.00
Non-current liabilities total216 000.00189 246.00
Current loans from credit institutions66 075.0058 481.00
Current trade creditors5 008.006 706.00
Current owed to participating10 638.0029 993.00
Short-term deferred tax liabilities39 689.0018 711.00
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities16 219.0016 192.00
Accruals and deferred income64 653.0070 722.00
Current liabilities total202 282.00200 805.00
Balance sheet total (liabilities)-15 480.00-6 703.00414 331.00446 249.00
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