Deres Auto ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 44907496
Industrivej 43, 3905 Nuussuaq
tel: 314800

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length12
Net sales
Gross profit39 247.00
Employee benefit expenses-20 566.75
Total depreciation-10 946.81
EBIT7 733.87
Other financial income221.89
Other financial expenses-6 883.31
Pre-tax profit1 072.46
Income taxes- 312.74
Net earnings759.71

Assets (kDKK)

Goodwill112 000.00
Intangible assets total112 000.00
Machinery and equipment19 480.91
Advance payments and construction in progress989.84
Tangible assets total20 470.76
Investments total
Non-current other receivables2 060.89
Long term receivables total2 060.89
Finished products/goods67 781.57
Inventories total67 781.57
Current trade debtors7 417.74
Current other receivables237.44
Short term receivables total7 655.19
Cash and bank deposits176.45
Cash and cash equivalents176.45
Balance sheet total (assets)210 144.86

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital100.00
Retained earnings4 054.51
Profit of the financial year759.71
Shareholders equity total4 914.23
Provisions30 678.11
Non-current deferred tax liabilities132 218.36
Non-current liabilities total132 218.36
Current loans from credit institutions19 846.27
Advances received2 800.35
Current trade creditors10 450.55
Short-term deferred tax liabilities2 173.90
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities7 063.09
Current liabilities total42 334.17
Balance sheet total (liabilities)210 144.86
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