OIP Group ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 43982788
Vesterbrogade 2 D, 1620 København V
tel: 21763418

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length12
Net sales161 823.36
Other operating income5 533.61
Purchases during the financial year-71 231.67
External services-44 952.80
Gross profit51 172.51
Employee benefit expenses-31 956.07
Other operating expenses-12 425.64
Total depreciation-21 279.35
EBIT-14 488.56
Other financial income11.66
Other financial expenses-6 615.18
Pre-tax profit-21 092.07
Income taxes- 211.14
Net earnings-21 303.21

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible rights93 598.00
Goodwill296 420.32
Intangible assets total390 018.33
Land and waters7 445.40
Buildings20 043.22
Machinery and equipment20 710.24
Tangible assets total48 198.86
Other receivables21 885.21
Investments total21 885.21
Long term receivables total
Finished products/goods5 745.71
Inventories total5 745.71
Current trade debtors12 348.78
Prepayments and accrued income3 767.61
Current other receivables4 877.30
Current deferred tax assets2 225.95
Short term receivables total23 219.65
Cash and bank deposits20 415.59
Cash and cash equivalents20 415.59
Balance sheet total (assets)509 483.35

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital1 040.00
Other reserves622.27
Retained earnings198 960.00
Profit of the financial year-21 303.21
Shareholders equity total179 319.06
Provisions25 886.57
Non-current loans from credit institutions96 578.24
Non-current owed to group member138 537.95
Non-current liabilities total235 116.18
Current loans from credit institutions18 157.22
Current trade creditors20 709.39
Short-term deferred tax liabilities6 635.32
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities-27 571.45
Current liabilities total17 930.48
Balance sheet total (liabilities)458 252.28
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