EVAXION BIOTECH A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 31762863
Dr Neergaards Vej 5 F, 2970 Hørsholm

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length121212
Net sales507.00
Gross profit507.00
Costs of management-58 333.00-71 246.00
Other operating expenses- 120 403.00-82 156.00
EBIT- 178 736.00- 152 895.00
Other financial income19 879.006 670.00
Other financial expenses-10 863.00-11 630.00
Pre-tax profit-11.20- 169 720.00- 157 855.00
Income taxes5 428.005 441.00
Net earnings-11.20- 164 292.00- 152 414.00

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Land and waters15 507.0014 133.00
Buildings10 006.009 374.00
Machinery and equipment7 088.005 786.00
Tangible assets total32 601.0029 293.00
Other receivables1 086.001 130.00
Investments total1 086.001 130.00
Non-current other receivables1 460.00195.00
Long term receivables total1 460.00195.00
Inventories total
Current other receivables21 005.0013 159.00
Current deferred tax assets5 500.005 500.00
Short term receivables total26 505.0018 659.00
Cash and bank deposits9.5691 923.0037 651.00
Cash and cash equivalents9.5691 923.0037 651.00
Balance sheet total (assets)9.56153 575.0086 928.00

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital24 139.0037 898.00
Share premium account516 675.00562 599.00
Other reserves86 262.0089 213.00
Retained earnings11.20- 404 896.00- 569 189.00
Profit of the financial year-11.20- 164 292.00- 152 414.00
Shareholders equity total57 888.00-31 893.00
Provisions1 007.001 007.00
Capital loans54 827.0057 259.00
Non-current leasing loans13 611.0012 789.00
Non-current liabilities total68 438.0070 048.00
Short-term capital loans951.001 072.00
Current trade creditors14 536.0018 135.00
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities10 755.0028 559.00
Current liabilities total26 242.0047 766.00
Balance sheet total (liabilities)153 575.0086 928.00
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