Timber & Forestry ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 40238735
Flensborgvej 185 B, Styrtom 6200 Aabenraa
tel: 29662230

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length121212
Net sales
Gross profit2 289.524 375.881 990.46
Employee benefit expenses- 378.27- 566.60- 309.44
Other operating expenses- 140.24-46.50
Total depreciation- 160.09-1 058.23-1 362.52
EBIT1 751.152 610.81272.00
Other financial income8.090.622.35
Other financial expenses-29.02- 115.98- 200.01
Pre-tax profit1 730.232 495.4574.34
Income taxes- 397.11- 532.97-32.82
Net earnings1 333.121 962.4741.52

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Machinery and equipment3 826.066 074.337 890.77
Tangible assets total3 826.066 074.337 890.77
Other receivables51.5025.81
Investments total51.5025.81
Long term receivables total
Raw materials and consumables750.002 051.00
Inventories total750.002 051.00
Current trade debtors177.2898.32167.38
Prepayments and accrued income4.7983.8013.46
Current other receivables493.57224.18225.92
Short term receivables total675.64406.30406.76
Cash and bank deposits98.93441.79
Cash and cash equivalents98.93441.79
Balance sheet total (assets)4 600.637 723.9210 374.35

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital10.0010.0040.00
Other reserves30.0030.00
Retained earnings-30.001 303.123 188.91
Profit of the financial year1 333.121 962.4741.52
Shareholders equity total1 343.123 305.603 270.43
Non-current leasing loans2 012.503 381.81
Non-current other liabilities1 587.67
Non-current liabilities total1 587.672 012.503 381.81
Current loans from credit institutions593.881 213.102 550.00
Current trade creditors624.34217.93173.10
Current owed to participating6.76
Short-term deferred tax liabilities386.00386.00
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities47.7544.7236.10
Current liabilities total1 272.731 861.753 145.20
Balance sheet total (liabilities)4 600.637 723.9210 374.35
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