Nicolinehus Nord ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 43554255
Vestre Ringgade 26, 8000 Aarhus C

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length121212
Net sales
Gross profit-2 916.3431 164.4930 440.79
Reduction in value of non-current assets41 483.24-30 034.89-69 653.14
EBIT38 566.901 129.61-39 212.35
Other financial income7.37466.66490.50
Other financial expenses- 965.60-26 944.39-26 023.85
Pre-tax profit37 608.67-25 348.13-64 745.71
Income taxes-8 273.915 576.5914 244.06
Net earnings29 334.76-19 771.54-50 501.65

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Buildings833 099.35807 200.00738 700.00
Tangible assets total833 099.35807 200.00738 700.00
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current trade debtors10 692.08
Current amounts owed by group member comp.10 669.0814 014.43
Prepayments and accrued income219.96
Current other receivables6 390.843 948.024 442.10
Current deferred tax assets852.4113 091.23
Short term receivables total17 935.3214 837.0631 547.76
Cash and bank deposits15 071.5913 437.0622 530.81
Cash and cash equivalents15 071.5913 437.0622 530.81
Balance sheet total (assets)866 106.27835 474.12792 778.57

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital40.0040.0040.00
Shares repurchased30 000.00254 227.71
Other reserves- 254 227.71
Retained earnings588 227.68363 334.73343 563.19
Profit of the financial year29 334.76-19 771.54-50 501.65
Shareholders equity total647 602.44343 603.19293 101.54
Provisions9 126.312 152.83
Non-current loans from credit institutions473 968.44477 094.79
Non-current liabilities total473 968.44477 094.79
Current loans from credit institutions189 378.583 719.234 288.16
Advances received7 548.609 033.929 731.63
Current trade creditors6 992.73267.4210.20
Short-term deferred tax liabilities396.90
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities611.682 332.208 552.25
Accruals and deferred income4 845.93
Current liabilities total209 377.5215 749.6722 582.24
Balance sheet total (liabilities)866 106.27835 474.12792 778.57
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