David Lollike Holding ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 38968467
Gavlhusvej 10, Taaderup 4800 Nykøbing F
tel: 31226291

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit-8.502.86-11.91-37.6417.36
Total depreciation-1.73-5.54-12.39-25.14-22.54
Other financial income44.5529.700.78
Other financial expenses-1.51-0.20-1.08-0.39
Income from other inv. held as non-curr. assets549.222 346.26871.781 471.971 823.15
Pre-tax profit537.482 343.38890.951 438.891 818.37
Income taxes5.13-4.86-54.95-94.04
Net earnings537.482 348.51886.091 383.951 724.33

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Machinery and equipment13.0588.5866.3646.75
Tangible assets total251.42261.54334.15309.00286.46
Investments total
Non-current loans receivable1 549.223 795.482 519.523 591.494 825.15
Long term receivables total1 549.223 795.482 519.523 591.494 825.15
Inventories total
Current trade debtors6.00
Current other receivables944.55629.8875.78
Current deferred tax assets5.130.279.5510.27
Short term receivables total11.13944.82639.4386.06
Cash and bank deposits40.478.4866.83484.171 183.34
Cash and cash equivalents40.478.4866.83484.171 183.34
Balance sheet total (assets)1 841.114 076.623 865.315 024.096 381.01

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital50.0050.0050.0050.0050.00
Shares repurchased113.001 000.00110.00367.80256.00
Other reserves- 117.80- 121.00
Retained earnings1 138.13675.612 799.723 318.014 445.96
Profit of the financial year537.482 348.51886.091 383.951 724.33
Shareholders equity total1 838.614 074.123 845.815 001.966 355.29
Non-current liabilities total
Advances received4.91
Current trade creditors2.502.507.507.507.50
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities12.0012.0012.01
Current liabilities total2.502.5019.5019.5024.42
Balance sheet total (liabilities)1 841.114 076.623 865.315 024.096 381.01
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