CVR number: 27909868
Bakkegårdsvej 513, 3050 Humlebæk
tel: 32485032

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit9 326.4110 162.9613 070.8711 379.4714 961.76
Employee benefit expenses-6 523.82-7 549.62-8 646.59-9 415.42-9 747.79
Total depreciation- 694.85- 783.50- 940.03-1 069.20-1 164.98
EBIT2 107.731 829.853 484.24894.854 048.99
Other financial income99.89304.74-0.05
Other financial expenses- 450.15- 465.08- 330.39- 204.95- 282.45
Pre-tax profit1 757.471 669.513 153.85689.903 766.48
Income taxes- 389.84- 368.69- 694.58- 162.36- 870.00
Net earnings1 367.631 300.822 459.27527.542 896.48

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible rights2 254.142 451.572 918.092 448.052 745.80
Intangible assets total2 254.142 451.572 918.092 448.052 745.80
Machinery and equipment178.8762.8157.2337.0823.19
Tangible assets total178.8762.8157.2337.0823.19
Other receivables210.00216.49223.17230.06230.06
Investments total210.00216.49223.17230.06230.06
Long term receivables total
Finished products/goods5 358.495 603.904 916.916 086.116 051.65
Inventories total5 358.495 603.904 916.916 086.116 051.65
Current trade debtors3 483.132 579.954 435.855 931.796 063.86
Prepayments and accrued income124.23174.21154.3774.91344.53
Current other receivables572.48496.061 357.78265.45357.88
Current deferred tax assets491.77123.0876.46126.86154.82
Short term receivables total4 671.603 373.306 024.466 399.016 921.09
Cash and bank deposits77.621 990.411 116.33167.501 378.10
Cash and cash equivalents77.621 990.411 116.33167.501 378.10
Balance sheet total (assets)12 750.7113 698.4815 256.1915 367.8117 349.89

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital5 500.005 500.005 500.005 500.005 500.00
Retained earnings-3 922.84-2 554.63-1 253.821 205.451 732.99
Profit of the financial year1 367.631 300.822 459.27527.542 896.48
Shareholders equity total2 944.794 246.186 705.457 232.9910 129.47
Non-current other liabilities5 500.005 976.132 334.92
Non-current deferred tax liabilities647.972 552.701 136.03
Non-current liabilities total5 500.005 976.132 982.882 552.701 136.03
Current loans from credit institutions76.3015.262 019.971 834.991 213.76
Advances received807.65220.9246.41281.08
Current trade creditors3 167.571 409.241 742.392 849.662 962.75
Current owed to participating171.44132.2568.49666.84734.48
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities890.621 111.771 516.08184.21892.32
Current liabilities total4 305.923 476.175 567.865 582.116 084.39
Balance sheet total (liabilities)12 750.7113 698.4815 256.1915 367.8117 349.89
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