CVR number: 10547431
Havnegade 67, 5000 Odense C
tel: 66140096

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit6 521.005 955.008 691.0010 475.0012 737.56
Employee benefit expenses-4 841.00-4 524.00-5 370.00-7 997.00-8 609.72
Total depreciation-13.00-30.00-81.00-96.00-96.17
EBIT1 667.001 401.003 240.002 382.004 031.67
Other financial income3.000.17
Other financial expenses- 157.00- 104.00- 184.00- 135.00-68.96
Pre-tax profit1 510.001 297.003 056.002 250.003 962.88
Income taxes- 333.00- 288.00- 670.00- 499.00- 876.13
Net earnings1 177.001 009.002 386.001 751.003 086.75

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Land and waters38.0033.0028.0022.0016.98
Machinery and equipment10.00322.00350.00260.00214.32
Tangible assets total48.00355.00378.00282.00231.30
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Semifinished products732.004 074.003 470.006 704.005 255.80
Raw materials and consumables1 336.001 267.001 529.001 334.001 466.31
Inventories total2 068.005 341.004 999.008 038.006 722.11
Current trade debtors2 205.001 704.001 166.003 370.004 218.46
Prepayments and accrued income82.0018.0016.0021.0088.89
Current other receivables39.00843.00249.0040.0037.12
Current deferred tax assets8.0014.06
Short term receivables total2 334.002 565.001 431.003 431.004 358.53
Cash and bank deposits1 128.00333.001 995.00551.001 406.29
Cash and cash equivalents1 128.00333.001 995.00551.001 406.29
Balance sheet total (assets)5 578.008 594.008 803.0012 302.0012 718.22

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital375.00375.00375.00375.00375.00
Shares repurchased1 100.001 000.002 300.001 700.003 000.00
Retained earnings- 383.00- 206.00-1 497.00- 811.00-2 060.01
Profit of the financial year1 177.001 009.002 386.001 751.003 086.75
Shareholders equity total2 269.002 178.003 564.003 015.004 401.74
Non-current liabilities total
Advances received640.00
Current trade creditors1 448.003 868.002 703.005 261.003 840.32
Current owed to group member418.001 458.00163.002 306.001 560.10
Short-term deferred tax liabilities668.00503.00894.97
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities1 443.001 083.001 696.001 212.001 381.08
Current liabilities total3 309.006 409.005 230.009 282.008 316.48
Balance sheet total (liabilities)5 578.008 594.008 803.0012 302.0012 718.22
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