CVR number: 87638316
Husby Alle 17, 2630 Taastrup
tel: 43718038

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit8 832.1210 003.5711 492.3812 046.8811 642.42
Employee benefit expenses-7 350.84-7 511.78-7 745.46-7 481.18-8 009.56
Total depreciation- 352.16- 368.26- 490.13- 420.81- 434.87
EBIT1 129.132 123.543 256.794 144.903 197.99
Other financial income0.208.700.500.86
Other financial expenses-18.79-33.65-52.93-27.83-38.59
Pre-tax profit1 110.342 090.083 212.554 117.573 160.26
Income taxes- 246.59- 469.74- 717.90- 924.10- 711.00
Net earnings863.751 620.352 494.643 193.472 449.26

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible rights311.76333.44200.0666.69
Intangible assets total311.76333.44200.0666.69
Machinery and equipment458.48787.51469.33648.42466.78
Tangible assets total458.48787.51469.33648.42466.78
Investments total
Non-current other receivables95.7299.86104.08109.68118.52
Long term receivables total95.7299.86104.08109.68118.52
Finished products/goods4 778.625 796.027 156.866 898.166 919.60
Inventories total4 778.625 796.027 156.866 898.166 919.60
Current trade debtors6 100.454 330.717 369.919 820.727 140.42
Prepayments and accrued income117.61202.12148.24152.46119.97
Current other receivables10.011.575.0220.512.13
Current deferred tax assets308.08
Short term receivables total6 228.064 534.417 523.179 993.697 570.60
Cash and bank deposits3 488.737 058.382 522.306 348.005 212.13
Cash and cash equivalents3 488.737 058.382 522.306 348.005 212.13
Balance sheet total (assets)15 361.3618 609.6217 975.8024 064.6320 287.62

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital400.00400.00400.00400.00400.00
Shares repurchased600.00700.001 200.001 200.001 200.00
Retained earnings7 895.508 059.258 479.609 774.2411 767.72
Profit of the financial year863.751 620.352 494.643 193.472 449.26
Shareholders equity total9 759.2510 779.6012 574.2414 567.7215 816.98
Non-current loans from credit institutions254.85
Non-current other liabilities184.42488.10
Non-current liabilities total184.42488.10254.85
Current loans from credit institutions115.5782.9882.58130.35120.62
Advances received86.89
Current trade creditors2 422.052 553.742 036.945 179.801 707.02
Short-term deferred tax liabilities50.5542.9115.52768.55
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities2 694.454 589.303 231.133 150.442 643.00
Current liabilities total5 369.517 268.925 366.189 229.144 470.64
Balance sheet total (liabilities)15 361.3618 609.6217 975.8024 064.6320 287.62
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