CVR number: 12573545
Sunekær 8, 5471 Søndersø
tel: 63893210

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit17 525.3018 593.7918 716.1325 455.9728 823.23
Employee benefit expenses-13 643.86-14 997.15-16 470.18-17 788.15-18 896.23
Other operating expenses-23.33-6.03
Total depreciation- 687.83- 656.68- 583.67- 542.75- 415.88
EBIT3 193.612 916.631 662.287 125.079 505.09
Other financial income55.3668.7744.4229.8659.97
Other financial expenses-82.24-62.47-86.72-49.77- 340.52
Pre-tax profit3 166.722 922.931 619.987 105.179 224.54
Income taxes- 698.66- 646.80- 364.03-1 575.41-2 043.39
Net earnings2 468.062 276.121 255.955 529.767 181.15

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Land and waters6 045.455 881.295 716.735 552.175 387.62
Machinery and equipment1 027.141 290.30933.76551.24331.91
Tangible assets total7 072.597 171.586 650.496 103.415 719.53
Investments total
Non-current loans receivable10.5010.5010.5010.5010.50
Long term receivables total10.5010.5010.5010.5010.50
Raw materials and consumables5 515.756 612.5011 320.7715 228.1416 824.02
Inventories total5 515.756 612.5011 320.7715 228.1416 824.02
Current trade debtors18 641.4611 699.5318 880.3821 649.9425 626.37
Current amounts owed by group member comp.1 902.90
Prepayments and accrued income169.45423.28114.72298.61241.05
Current other receivables1.80146.9625.95
Short term receivables total18 810.9114 025.7018 996.9022 095.5025 893.37
Cash and bank deposits4 367.312 538.452 148.891 288.034 704.15
Cash and cash equivalents4 367.312 538.452 148.891 288.034 704.15
Balance sheet total (assets)35 777.0730 358.7439 127.5644 725.5853 151.57

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital500.00500.00500.00500.00500.00
Shares repurchased2 000.005 000.00
Retained earnings20 843.6821 311.7423 587.8622 843.8123 373.57
Profit of the financial year2 468.062 276.121 255.955 529.767 181.15
Shareholders equity total23 811.7424 087.8625 343.8130 873.5736 054.72
Non-current deferred tax liabilities707.56602.16376.571 558.482 034.34
Non-current liabilities total707.56602.16376.571 558.482 034.34
Current trade creditors4 928.992 408.066 463.376 943.907 948.04
Current owed to group member1 055.443 157.772 082.891 761.76
Short-term deferred tax liabilities181.68707.57602.23377.211 558.48
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities4 267.351 684.162 325.522 016.762 913.72
Current liabilities total10 433.464 799.7812 548.9011 420.7614 182.00
Balance sheet total (liabilities)35 777.0730 358.7439 127.5644 725.5853 151.57
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