COWIFONDEN — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 50497828
Parallelvej 2, 2800 Kgs.Lyngby

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
External services-1 146.32-1 383.13
Gross profit-1 146.32-1 383.13
Costs of management-3 191.60-3 794.26
EBIT2 501.77105 602.46
Other financial income17 746.8653 902.11
Other financial expenses-73 831.74-11 392.97
Net income from associates (fin.)58 586.6663 093.32
Pre-tax profit92 375.0093 679.0070 647.00-1 836.14100 425.07
Income taxes- 356.14-2 656.83
Net earnings92 375.0093 679.0070 647.00-2 192.2997 768.24

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Tangible assets total
Holdings in group member companies86 403.6386 403.63
Other receivables317 514.00398 417.00459 000.00
Investments total317 514.00398 417.00459 000.0086 403.6386 403.63
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Prepayments and accrued income21.1621.46
Current other receivables1 489.561 612.13
Current deferred tax assets1 417.36
Short term receivables total2 928.071 633.59
Other current investments329 120.37427 872.46
Cash and bank deposits25 927.5410 605.00
Cash and cash equivalents355 047.92438 477.47
Balance sheet total (assets)317 514.00398 417.00459 000.00444 379.62526 514.68

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital282 432.00365 977.00424 993.0020 000.0020 000.00
Other restricted equity22 000.0026 000.00
Retained earnings-92 375.00-93 679.00-70 647.00364 256.08340 744.26
Profit of the financial year92 375.0093 679.0070 647.00-2 192.2997 768.24
Shareholders equity total282 432.00365 977.00424 993.00404 063.79484 512.50
Non-current liabilities total
Current trade creditors591.78676.93
Short-term deferred tax liabilities697.68
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities39 724.0540 627.69
Current liabilities total40 315.8242 002.30
Balance sheet total (liabilities)282 432.00365 977.00424 993.00444 379.62526 514.68
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