Nuuday A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures
CVR number: 40075291
Teglholmsgade 1, 2450 København SV
Income statement (kDKK)
2019 | |
Fiscal period length | 12 |
Net sales | 15 494 000.00 |
Other operating income | 124 000.00 |
Costs of manufacturing | -9 647 000.00 |
External services | -2 025 000.00 |
Gross profit | 3 946 000.00 |
Employee benefit expenses | -1 930 000.00 |
Other operating expenses | -43 000.00 |
Total depreciation | -1 789 000.00 |
EBIT | 184 000.00 |
Other financial expenses | - 367 000.00 |
Net income from associates (fin.) | -18 000.00 |
Pre-tax profit | - 201 000.00 |
Income taxes | 72 000.00 |
Net earnings | - 129 000.00 |
Assets (kDKK)
2019 | |
Intangible rights | 13 259 000.00 |
Intangible assets total | 13 259 000.00 |
Other tangible assets | 1 286 000.00 |
Tangible assets total | 1 286 000.00 |
Participating interests | 731 000.00 |
Other non-current investments | 425 000.00 |
Investments total | 1 156 000.00 |
Non-current other receivables | 12 000.00 |
Long term receivables total | 12 000.00 |
Inventories total | 191 000.00 |
Current trade debtors | 1 322 000.00 |
Current amounts owed by group member comp. | 1 019 000.00 |
Prepayments and accrued income | 863 000.00 |
Current other receivables | 96 000.00 |
Short term receivables total | 3 300 000.00 |
Cash and bank deposits | 26 000.00 |
Cash and cash equivalents | 26 000.00 |
Balance sheet total (assets) | 19 230 000.00 |
Equity and liabilities (kDKK)
2019 | |
Other reserves | 629 000.00 |
Retained earnings | 690 000.00 |
Profit of the financial year | - 129 000.00 |
Shareholders equity total | 1 190 000.00 |
Non-current loans from credit institutions | 9 000 000.00 |
Non-current leasing loans | 353 000.00 |
Provisions | 39 000.00 |
Non-current other liabilities | 72 000.00 |
Non-current deferred tax liabilities | 1 674 000.00 |
Non-current liabilities total | 11 138 000.00 |
Current leasing loans | 80 000.00 |
Current trade creditors | 2 027 000.00 |
Current owed to group member | 1 637 000.00 |
Short-term deferred tax liabilities | 68 000.00 |
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities | 773 000.00 |
Current provisions | 44 000.00 |
Accruals and deferred income | 2 273 000.00 |
Current liabilities total | 6 902 000.00 |
Balance sheet total (liabilities) | 19 230 000.00 |
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