CVR number: 14565035
Nyhusevej 39, 3400 Hillerød

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
External services-6.02-4.25
Gross profit-6.02-4.25-22.60-12.35-12.08
Other financial income913.95925.121 148.0410.24956.05
Other financial expenses0.00-8.01-7.20- 833.19
Pre-tax profit907.94912.851 118.24- 835.30943.97
Income taxes- 199.74- 202.58- 243.95-24.75
Net earnings708.20710.28874.28- 835.30919.22

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Tangible assets total
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current deferred tax assets33.11
Short term receivables total33.11
Other current investments3 805.704 004.762 392.191 568.492 832.10
Cash and bank deposits72.89202.471 225.42637.39349.03
Cash and cash equivalents3 878.594 207.243 617.612 205.883 181.13
Balance sheet total (assets)3 878.594 207.243 617.612 238.993 181.13

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital125.00125.00125.00125.00125.00
Shares repurchased- 408.20- 810.28- 700.00310.00
Retained earnings2 875.003 175.003 075.002 949.281 803.99
Profit of the financial year708.20710.28874.28- 835.30919.22
Shareholders equity total3 300.003 200.003 374.282 238.993 158.20
Non-current liabilities total
Short-term deferred tax liabilities170.39196.96243.3322.93
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities408.20810.28
Current liabilities total578.591 007.24243.3322.93
Balance sheet total (liabilities)3 878.594 207.243 617.612 238.993 181.13
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