CVR number: 36449411
Skovbakkevej 52, 8800 Viborg
tel: 86673200

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit-24.33-17.70-34.8815 342.65312.14
Employee benefit expenses-51.80-52.93-48.51
Other operating expenses-12.77-11.40-10.23-8.89-44.44
EBIT-88.89-82.03-93.6115 333.75267.69
Other financial income96.5026.5415.4813.821 800.42
Other financial expenses-94.61-41.81-49.10-1 437.82- 326.01
Net income from associates (fin.)1 688.871 882.281 924.692 041.154 210.09
Pre-tax profit1 601.871 784.981 797.4615 950.895 952.20
Income taxes20.7222.7626.96-3 058.77- 384.80
Net earnings1 622.601 807.741 824.4212 892.125 567.39

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Machinery and equipment54.2754.2754.2754.2754.27
Tangible assets total54.2754.2754.2754.2754.27
Holdings in group member companies69 904.2571 786.5373 711.2275 752.3675 162.46
Investments total69 904.2571 786.5373 711.2275 752.3675 162.46
Non-current loans receivable96.4596.4596.4596.4596.45
Long term receivables total96.4596.4596.4596.4596.45
Semifinished products4 452.024 467.024 523.70169.17
Inventories total4 452.024 467.024 523.70169.17
Current amounts owed by group member comp.99.0998.90100.40513.77
Prepayments and accrued income58.8359.7914.789.524.40
Current other receivables6.022.63869.083 737.31
Current deferred tax assets581.25766.051 462.561 736.701 537.10
Short term receivables total745.19924.741 580.382 615.305 792.58
Other current investments52.0584.2093.4217 826.3719 751.33
Cash and bank deposits413.6088.72255.002 467.596 154.55
Cash and cash equivalents465.65172.92348.4320 293.9525 905.89
Balance sheet total (assets)75 717.8377 501.9380 314.4598 981.51107 011.64

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital200.00200.00200.00200.00200.00
Shares repurchased110.00113.00700.001 700.002 470.00
Other reserves69 800.2571 682.5373 607.2275 648.3774 088.46
Retained earnings2 085.661 712.97896.02-1 020.709 991.33
Profit of the financial year1 622.601 807.741 824.4212 892.125 567.39
Shareholders equity total73 818.5075 516.2477 227.6689 419.7992 317.18
Non-current liabilities total
Current loans from credit institutions0.080.03
Current trade creditors26.0832.9425.0029.8429.21
Current owed to group member1 381.091 434.182 982.399 216.3614 146.76
Short-term deferred tax liabilities392.16443.160.92215.31389.71
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities100.0075.4078.40100.20128.78
Current liabilities total1 899.331 985.683 086.799 561.7314 694.46
Balance sheet total (liabilities)75 717.8377 501.9380 314.4598 981.51107 011.64
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