TEKTROL MINERALOLIER A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 16321389
Bondovej 17, Sanderum 5250 Odense SV

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit1 885.001 775.001 720.001 339.001 327.25
Employee benefit expenses-2 168.00-1 969.00-1 742.00-1 621.00-1 634.25
EBIT- 283.00- 194.00-22.00- 282.00- 307.00
Other financial expenses-19.00-9.00-4.00-4.00-0.03
Pre-tax profit- 302.00- 203.00-26.00- 286.00- 307.03
Income taxes64.0043.006.0063.0067.55
Net earnings- 238.00- 160.00-20.00- 223.00- 239.49

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Tangible assets total
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Raw materials and consumables1 108.001 669.001 325.001 400.001 713.79
Finished products/goods690.00583.00628.00536.00524.10
Inventories total1 798.002 252.001 953.001 936.002 237.90
Current trade debtors292.00240.00231.00143.00270.34
Current amounts owed by group member comp.951.001 333.00827.00646.00660.53
Current other receivables181.00
Current deferred tax assets64.0043.006.0063.0067.55
Short term receivables total1 307.001 797.001 064.00852.00998.42
Cash and bank deposits881.00231.00726.00567.00581.79
Cash and cash equivalents881.00231.00726.00567.00581.79
Balance sheet total (assets)3 986.004 280.003 743.003 355.003 818.10

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital1 500.001 500.001 500.001 500.001 500.00
Retained earnings2 012.001 775.001 615.001 595.001 372.16
Profit of the financial year- 238.00- 160.00-20.00- 223.00- 239.49
Shareholders equity total3 274.003 115.003 095.002 872.002 632.68
Non-current other liabilities78.00
Non-current liabilities total78.00
Current trade creditors41.0018.0020.0012.0056.81
Current owed to group member580.59
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities593.001 147.00628.00471.00548.01
Current liabilities total634.001 165.00648.00483.001 185.42
Balance sheet total (liabilities)3 986.004 280.003 743.003 355.003 818.10
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