Aalborg Bygas A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 38255479
Norbis Park 100, Stae 9310 Vodskov

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales12 842.0012 550.00
Other operating income1 498.001 662.00
Costs of manufacturing-3 324.00-2 265.00
Gross profit9 518.0010 286.009 929.006 444.0012 889.00
Costs of management-3 432.00-3 524.00-3 513.00-2 581.00-2 484.00
Costs of distribution-7 590.00-8 240.00-8 010.00
Other operating expenses-8 763.00-6 197.00
EBIT-1 504.00-1 478.00-1 594.00-4 900.004 208.00
Other financial income1 521.0019.0017.002 237.002 620.00
Other financial expenses-17.00-38.00-85.00217.00773.00
Pre-tax profit-2 663.006 828.00
Income taxes- 195.00- 757.00
Net earnings-2 858.006 071.00

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Land and waters6 860.006 735.006 681.00
Buildings40 935.0040 530.0045 204.0055 614.0054 018.00
Machinery and equipment69.0079.0050.00
Advance payments and construction in progress44.004 795.005 689.00840.009 500.00
Tangible assets total47 908.0052 139.0057 624.0056 454.0063 518.00
Other non-current investments1.00
Other receivables-1.00
Investments total
Non-current other receivables6 108.006 856.005 607.00191.00191.00
Long term receivables total6 108.006 856.005 607.00191.00191.00
Finished products/goods17.0018.0054.0057.0029.00
Inventories total17.0018.0054.0057.0029.00
Current trade debtors3 348.004 057.002 824.002 983.003 804.00
Current amounts owed by group member comp.3.008 771.00663.00
Current other receivables682.001 888.009 161.001 612.00
Short term receivables total4 030.005 948.0011 985.0011 754.006 079.00
Balance sheet total (assets)58 063.0064 961.0075 270.0068 456.0069 817.00

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital1 000.001 000.001 000.001 000.001 000.00
Retained earnings1 477.001 477.001 477.0036 188.0033 330.00
Profit of the financial year-2 858.006 071.00
Shareholders equity total2 477.002 477.002 477.0034 330.0040 401.00
Provisions5 917.006 665.005 416.003 350.002 271.00
Non-current loans from credit institutions48 315.0010 069.0011 825.00
Non-current other liabilities45 868.0045 634.00
Non-current liabilities total45 868.0045 634.0048 315.0010 069.0011 825.00
Current loans from credit institutions1 531.007 912.0012 811.0016 134.0012 994.00
Advances received411.00391.00407.00525.00328.00
Current trade creditors1 812.001 410.004 792.002 259.001 020.00
Current owed to group member135.00473.001 053.00
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities95.001 702.00
Accruals and deferred income87.00978.00
Current liabilities total3 984.0010 186.0019 063.0020 707.0015 320.00
Balance sheet total (liabilities)58 246.0064 962.0075 271.0068 456.0069 817.00
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