Danske Byejendomme ApS

CVR number: 38957961
Bryggernes Plads 2, 1799 København V
tel: 33137800

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit849.001 054.00811.001 323.0048.00
Reduction in value of non-current assets41.0050.003 500.00-4 900.00
EBIT890.001 104.004 311.001 323.00-4 852.00
Other financial income4 713.00
Other financial expenses- 750.00- 618.00- 620.00- 621.00-1 060.00
Pre-tax profit140.00486.003 691.00702.00-1 198.00
Income taxes-31.00- 107.00- 836.00- 160.00220.00
Net earnings109.00379.002 855.00542.00- 978.00

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Buildings29 200.0029 500.0033 000.0033 000.0028 100.00
Tangible assets total29 200.0029 500.0033 000.0033 000.0028 100.00
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Prepayments and accrued income24.0024.0024.0024.00
Current other receivables39.00292.0075.00375.0038.00
Current deferred tax assets178.00
Short term receivables total63.00316.0099.00399.00216.00
Balance sheet total (assets)29 263.0029 816.0033 099.0033 399.0028 316.00

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital50.0050.0050.0050.0050.00
Retained earnings61.00170.00549.003 404.003 946.00
Profit of the financial year109.00379.002 855.00542.00- 978.00
Shareholders equity total220.00599.003 454.003 996.003 018.00
Non-current loans from credit institutions21 265.0020 613.0019 955.0019 288.0014 595.00
Non-current liabilities total21 265.0020 613.0019 955.0019 288.0014 595.00
Current loans from credit institutions939.001 399.001 631.001 655.001 433.00
Current trade creditors53.0084.0037.0074.0055.00
Current owed to participating2 276.002 344.002 415.002 487.002 488.00
Current owed to group member3 561.003 690.003 910.004 027.004 833.00
Short-term deferred tax liabilities22.0092.00134.00831.00
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities913.00966.00850.00865.001 063.00
Current liabilities total7 764.008 575.008 843.009 242.0010 703.00
Balance sheet total (liabilities)29 263.0029 816.0033 100.0033 400.0028 316.00
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