CVR number: 34055963
Helvigsvej 10, 9000 Aalborg

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit762.19610.91667.44694.13180.98
Employee benefit expenses-64.85- 120.09- 120.00
Total depreciation-27.62-30.24-56.35-55.66-75.78
Reduction in value of non-current assets103.73123.42194.390.952.37
Other financial income-0.06
Other financial expenses- 327.67- 302.34- 403.99- 413.75- 757.94
Pre-tax profit510.63401.75336.64105.58- 770.44
Income taxes- 110.63-34.30-74.06-23.23169.50
Net earnings400.00367.45262.5882.35- 600.94

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Land and waters2 583.362 583.368 996.499 169.579 278.51
Buildings22 300.0023 100.0023 400.0023 600.0023 650.00
Machinery and equipment65.80103.05228.21181.03200.30
Tangible assets total24 949.1625 786.4232 624.7032 950.5933 128.81
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Prepayments and accrued income24.0822.4625.3724.4526.39
Current other receivables2.20
Short term receivables total24.0822.4625.3724.4528.59
Cash and bank deposits0.370.385.25
Cash and cash equivalents0.370.385.25
Balance sheet total (assets)24 973.6125 809.2632 650.0732 980.2933 157.40

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital80.0080.0080.0080.0080.00
Retained earnings3 543.633 943.626 811.077 073.657 156.00
Profit of the financial year400.00367.45262.5882.35- 600.94
Shareholders equity total4 023.624 391.077 153.657 236.006 635.06
Non-current loans from credit institutions17 356.8617 046.3120 771.5920 199.9019 668.12
Non-current liabilities total17 356.8617 046.3120 771.5920 199.9019 668.12
Current loans from credit institutions2 247.801 754.952 488.332 797.613 838.70
Current trade creditors90.91354.41178.8655.7236.45
Current owed to participating79.4558.13107.91270.07488.04
Current owed to group member152.271 179.71904.881 345.281 566.32
Short-term deferred tax liabilities68.04
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities292.59315.10270.20279.47314.93
Accruals and deferred income24.1737.3728.4022.175.20
Current liabilities total2 955.233 699.683 978.574 770.326 249.65
Balance sheet total (liabilities)24 973.6125 809.2632 650.0732 980.2933 157.40
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