BRISEVEJ HOLDING ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 20921013
Søndergade 21, 7100 Vejle
tel: 43454532

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit111.63165.63-2.12-1.22-10.48
Total depreciation-93.60-44.08-5.90-1.23-1.23
Other financial expenses- 172.77- 173.42- 118.21- 154.06-35.05
Net income from associates (fin.)-1 715.49- 256.06155.53-45.45- 609.82
Pre-tax profit-1 870.23- 307.9329.30- 201.97- 656.59
Income taxes-92.81
Net earnings-1 963.04- 307.9329.30- 201.97- 656.59

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Land and waters996.23
Machinery and equipment12.6710.444.543.312.08
Tangible assets total1 008.9010.444.543.312.08
Holdings in group member companies1 232.91976.861 132.391 086.94
Investments total1 232.91976.861 132.391 086.94
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Short term receivables total
Balance sheet total (assets)2 241.81987.301 136.931 090.252.08

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital125.00125.00125.00125.00125.00
Retained earnings-1 080.76-3 043.80-3 351.72-3 322.42-3 524.39
Profit of the financial year-1 963.04- 307.9329.30- 201.97- 656.59
Shareholders equity total-2 918.80-3 226.72-3 197.42-3 399.39-4 055.98
Capital loans850.00813.53793.53
Non-current loans from credit institutions670.57
Non-current liabilities total1 520.57813.53793.53
Current loans from credit institutions787.44503.45504.27506.95509.15
Current trade creditors5.
Current owed to participating699.21680.62
Current owed to group member2 767.922 825.522 985.253 232.192 817.00
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities79.6866.5246.3046.3046.30
Current liabilities total3 640.043 400.493 540.824 489.644 058.06
Balance sheet total (liabilities)2 241.81987.301 136.931 090.252.08
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