4P HOLDING ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 28842651
Dalvænget 18, 7900 Nykøbing M
tel: 22523001

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit136.0070.0060.0080.0010.00
Costs of management- 154.20-84.23-69.82-81.62-58.74
Costs of distribution-1.80-2.99-2.17-5.05
Other financial income362.22954.311 129.761 802.403 288.04
Other financial expenses- 128.03-34.12-38.11- 140.87-9.75
Net income from associates (fin.)3 188.1353 989.745 998.36419.242 517.91
Pre-tax profit3 404.1254 893.907 077.202 076.995 742.41
Income taxes-54.76- 199.21- 237.82- 364.88- 747.37
Net earnings3 349.3654 694.706 839.391 712.104 995.04

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Tangible assets total57.4138.2719.14
Holdings in group member companies9 815.9263 930.2959 900.7118 681.0929 152.37
Participating interests754.501 404.271 827.161 362.15740.65
Investments total10 570.4165 334.5661 727.8620 043.2429 893.01
Non-curr. owed by group member comp.2 022.50
Non-curr. owed by particip. interest comp.8 100.004 700.002 288.754 341.642 838.89
Long term receivables total8 100.004 700.004 311.254 341.642 838.89
Inventories total
Current trade debtors137.5062.5075.00
Current amounts owed by group member comp.19 716.1122 403.9532 715.8941 902.1151 425.86
Current owed by particip. interest comp.579.631 000.00600.004 950.00
Current other receivables47.003 645.463 803.785 218.90169.41
Current deferred tax assets6.7410.1013.4717.0016.00
Short term receivables total20 486.9827 059.5237 195.6452 163.0151 611.27
Other current investments20 116.28
Cash and bank deposits8.82120.9651.0326 048.35265.75
Cash and cash equivalents8.82120.9651.0326 048.3520 382.02
Balance sheet total (assets)39 223.6397 253.31103 304.92102 596.24104 725.21

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital125.00125.00125.00125.00125.00
Shares repurchased1 066.673 000.00117.8030 882.20
Other reserves33 016.3929 209.67-1 882.20
Retained earnings32 060.737 376.1662 877.5898 808.8469 638.74
Profit of the financial year3 349.3654 694.706 839.391 712.104 995.04
Shareholders equity total35 535.0996 278.91102 051.64100 763.74103 758.78
Non-current liabilities total
Current trade creditors20.0020.0020.0020.0019.66
Current owed to participating167.34
Current owed to group member3 493.01778.921 035.151 067.39
Short-term deferred tax liabilities368.41746.37
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities8.18175.47198.13376.70200.40
Current liabilities total3 688.54974.401 253.281 832.51966.43
Balance sheet total (liabilities)39 223.6397 253.31103 304.92102 596.24104 725.21
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