Bilvask P/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 39712636
Rugvænget 19 C, 2630 Taastrup
tel: 42171742

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales2 985.492 934.14
External services- 668.70- 529.12
Gross profit2 316.792 405.021 586.71456.04126.41
Employee benefit expenses-2 269.25-2 025.04-1 119.23- 226.80-7.12
Total depreciation-11.42-11.42-11.42-11.42
Other financial expenses-25.44-34.97-8.61-3.62
Pre-tax profit10.68333.59447.44214.20119.30
Net earnings10.68333.59447.44214.20119.30

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Tangible assets total34.2722.8511.42
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Finished products/goods1 811.992 063.322 702.932 528.862 277.30
Inventories total1 811.992 063.322 702.932 528.862 277.30
Current other receivables153.97154.38229.3554.46116.56
Short term receivables total153.97154.38229.3554.46116.56
Cash and bank deposits2 032.061 768.9257.45708.201 552.25
Cash and cash equivalents2 032.061 768.9257.45708.201 552.25
Balance sheet total (assets)4 032.294 009.463 001.153 291.513 946.10

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital500.00500.00500.00500.00500.00
Retained earnings10.68344.26791.701 005.90
Profit of the financial year10.68333.59447.44214.20119.30
Shareholders equity total510.68844.261 291.701 505.901 625.19
Non-current liabilities total
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities3 521.623 165.201 709.451 785.622 320.91
Current liabilities total3 521.623 165.201 709.451 785.622 320.91
Balance sheet total (liabilities)4 032.294 009.463 001.153 291.513 946.10
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