GLUMSØ INVEST ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 61782516
Odensegade 16 A, 2100 København Ø
tel: 29620525

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit- 236.31- 271.08- 266.59- 157.26- 265.49
EBIT- 236.31- 271.08- 266.59- 157.26- 265.49
Other financial income6 568.4614 809.801 938.547 927.7115 328.80
Other financial expenses-7 583.45-1 587.33-16 494.30-2 804.90-3 625.85
Income from other inv. held as non-curr. assets2 045.38
Net income from associates (fin.)56.5273.37269.28100.002 436.62
Pre-tax profit850.5913 024.76-14 553.075 065.5513 874.08
Income taxes- 107.76-53.96
Net earnings850.5912 917.00-14 607.045 065.5513 874.08

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Tangible assets total
Holdings in group member companies10 425.4910 877.1720 297.4743 855.4339 157.56
Participating interests7 530.197 851.888 427.3150.001 499.00
Investments total17 955.6818 729.0528 724.7743 905.4340 656.56
Non-current loans receivable243.63243.63243.63243.63243.63
Long term receivables total243.63243.63243.63243.63243.63
Inventories total
Current amounts owed by group member comp.2 693.399 372.10
Current owed by particip. interest comp.29 301.5864 822.74
Prepayments and accrued income461.83
Current other receivables429.514 015.52400.00
Current deferred tax assets176.10339.60210.45189.0875.23
Short term receivables total605.614 355.12210.4532 184.0675 131.90
Other current investments68 872.4292 678.4698 219.1882 083.5274 889.07
Cash and bank deposits3 024.0226.1821.247.12801.65
Cash and cash equivalents71 896.4392 704.6498 240.4282 090.6575 690.72
Balance sheet total (assets)90 701.35116 032.44127 419.27158 423.77191 722.81

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital200.00200.00200.00200.00200.00
Other reserves7 828.648 642.288 835.11
Retained earnings73 274.8873 311.8386 036.0072 341.7576 607.29
Profit of the financial year850.5912 917.00-14 607.045 065.5513 874.08
Shareholders equity total82 154.1195 071.1180 464.0777 607.2990 681.37
Non-current loans from credit institutions19 724.2535 045.48
Non-current other liabilities150.004 856.092 567.2875.00
Non-current liabilities total150.004 856.0922 291.5335 120.48
Current loans from credit institutions12 581.56
Current trade creditors25.0025.0030.0030.0030.00
Current owed to participating150.004 856.092 567.2875.00
Current owed to group member6 783.7616 427.1514 577.15
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities1 738.484 209.1822 635.8843 346.1065 815.96
Current liabilities total8 547.2420 811.3342 099.1158 524.9465 920.96
Balance sheet total (liabilities)90 701.35116 032.44127 419.27158 423.77191 722.81
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