CWE Aarhus K/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 42892823
Meldahlsgade 5, 1613 København V

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length121212
Net sales8 079.878 673.3910 414.40
Costs of manufacturing-2 815.52-4 936.09-5 929.45
External services-1 515.37-1 361.18- 951.39
Gross profit3 748.972 376.123 533.55
Reduction in value of non-current assets-1 666.12-68 967.63-11 882.38
EBIT2 082.85-66 591.51-8 348.82
Other financial expenses-4 675.28-5 933.43-5 931.29
Pre-tax profit-2 592.43-72 524.93-14 280.11
Net earnings-2 592.43-72 524.93-14 280.11

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Buildings284 850.00215 882.38204 000.00
Tangible assets total284 850.00215 882.38204 000.00
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current amounts owed by group member comp.764.41768.65768.65
Prepayments and accrued income250.70293.33230.72
Current other receivables546.25458.36274.15
Short term receivables total1 561.361 520.341 273.51
Cash and bank deposits2 214.651 386.911 567.75
Cash and cash equivalents2 214.651 386.911 567.75
Balance sheet total (assets)288 626.02218 789.63206 841.26

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital65 188.7465 188.7465 188.74
Retained earnings-2 592.43-75 117.37
Profit of the financial year-2 592.43-72 524.93-14 280.11
Shareholders equity total62 596.30-9 928.63-24 208.74
Capital loans115 620.00115 620.00115 620.00
Non-current loans from credit institutions106 818.83106 838.73106 849.44
Non-current accruals and deferred income234.45283.26203.05
Non-current other liabilities- 234.45- 283.26- 203.05
Non-current liabilities total222 438.83222 458.73222 469.44
Advances received336.17571.37750.10
Current trade creditors460.74592.32534.06
Current owed to group member77.89
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities2 793.975 095.847 218.50
Current liabilities total3 590.886 259.538 580.56
Balance sheet total (liabilities)288 626.02218 789.63206 841.26
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