AUTOMOBILHUSET RANDERS A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 18479273
Clausholmvej 3, 8960 Randers SØ

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit11 655.8514 176.8619 083.0319 625.9719 252.87
Employee benefit expenses-8 953.94-11 665.92-15 625.13-17 193.81-17 859.29
Total depreciation- 763.03- 790.39- 901.07- 742.65- 857.53
EBIT1 938.881 720.552 556.831 689.51536.05
Other financial income33.05-0.1640.94200.28
Other financial expenses- 243.56- 379.33- 404.27- 427.17-1 036.41
Net income from associates (fin.)20.20-10.89
Pre-tax profit1 728.371 361.252 182.611 262.34- 300.09
Income taxes- 392.72- 300.95- 481.22- 275.9777.90
Net earnings1 335.651 060.301 701.39986.37- 222.19

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible rights97.78
Goodwill767.29717.641 333.591 231.42
Intangible assets total767.29717.641 333.591 329.20
Buildings2 141.302 803.382 554.782 430.672 292.24
Machinery and equipment2 323.063 609.762 855.395 360.055 483.65
Tangible assets total4 464.366 413.145 410.177 790.727 775.89
Holdings in group member companies569.2140.00
Investments total569.2140.00
Non-current loans receivable12.3612.3612.3612.36
Non-current other receivables1 250.001 930.001 930.002 185.002 185.00
Long term receivables total1 250.001 942.361 942.362 197.362 197.36
Finished products/goods16 308.2918 494.4023 625.0523 119.8121 471.36
Inventories total16 308.2918 494.4023 625.0523 119.8121 471.36
Current trade debtors3 453.694 581.365 549.713 916.813 866.58
Current amounts owed by group member comp.638.00
Prepayments and accrued income205.65347.88459.10207.60348.19
Current other receivables54.69375.07719.70329.29363.86
Current deferred tax assets147.46115.76128.73
Short term receivables total3 861.485 420.076 857.254 453.705 216.64
Cash and bank deposits15.8022.36108.0829.8537.78
Cash and cash equivalents15.8022.36108.0829.8537.78
Balance sheet total (assets)25 899.9333 628.8338 660.5538 925.0338 068.22

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital500.00500.00500.00500.00500.00
Shares repurchased1 300.001 000.001 700.00900.00
Retained earnings5 253.554 989.204 349.505 150.896 137.26
Profit of the financial year1 335.651 060.301 701.39986.37- 222.19
Shareholders equity total8 389.207 549.508 250.897 537.266 415.07
Non-current loans from credit institutions5 000.005 000.00
Non-current accruals and deferred income1 209.121 361.491 389.871 438.52
Non-current other liabilities868.37
Non-current deferred tax liabilities136.14269.26494.1941.72
Non-current liabilities total136.141 478.382 724.056 431.596 438.52
Current loans from credit institutions1 115.943 594.771 654.909 672.5611 823.95
Advances received235.00460.00
Current trade creditors9 490.679 282.2414 645.368 869.679 417.10
Current owed to participating1 677.972 226.841 760.35
Current owed to group member1 729.262 002.70855.17133.9432.03
Short-term deferred tax liabilities595.12356.48
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities4 443.629 486.248 035.723 947.652 153.59
Current liabilities total17 374.6024 600.9527 685.6024 850.6625 187.02
Balance sheet total (liabilities)25 899.9333 628.8338 660.5538 925.0338 068.22
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