ANV HOLDING ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 20473231
Bøge Alle 2, 9000 Aalborg

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit-12.71-26.08-49.10-55.52- 129.94
Total depreciation- 934.48
EBIT-12.71-26.08-49.10-55.52-1 064.42
Other financial income177.28473.93389.72354.25442.43
Other financial expenses-2.04-0.96-9.60- 503.58-20.80
Net income from associates (fin.)739.811 004.99857.01-1 231.19- 102.56
Pre-tax profit902.341 451.871 188.02-1 436.04- 745.34
Income taxes-53.27-74.10-38.88-0.38
Net earnings902.341 398.611 113.92-1 474.92- 745.72

Assets (kDKK)

Goodwill2 803.43
Intangible assets total2 803.43
Tangible assets total
Holdings in group member companies3 852.43
Participating interests1 250.871 755.85205.628.07
Investments total1 250.871 755.85205.623 852.438.07
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current amounts owed by group member comp.305.08
Current owed by particip. interest comp.399.91411.94296.10
Current other receivables6 005.986 791.8314 459.185 069.595 741.23
Current deferred tax assets13.758.0020.01
Short term receivables total6 419.637 203.7714 755.285 382.685 761.24
Other current investments895.871 027.141 151.61761.10967.64
Cash and bank deposits282.85312.44240.659.39127.27
Cash and cash equivalents1 178.721 339.581 392.26770.491 094.91
Balance sheet total (assets)8 849.2210 299.2016 353.1610 005.599 667.65

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital125.00125.00125.00125.00125.00
Other reserves359.33
Retained earnings7 814.388 357.4010 115.3311 229.259 754.33
Profit of the financial year902.341 398.611 113.92-1 474.92- 745.72
Shareholders equity total8 841.7210 240.3311 354.259 879.339 133.62
Non-current liabilities total
Current loans from credit institutions4 858.05
Current trade creditors7.507.5012.508.5048.50
Short-term deferred tax liabilities51.3771.0238.88
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities57.3578.88485.54
Current liabilities total7.5058.874 998.91126.26534.04
Balance sheet total (liabilities)8 849.2210 299.2016 353.1610 005.599 667.65
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