KAMretail A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 42079464
Borgergade 28 A, Thyregod 7323 Give

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length121212
Net sales
Gross profit6 185.064 022.116 846.98
Employee benefit expenses-5 723.53-4 147.17-6 191.49
Total depreciation- 417.00- 312.97- 405.81
EBIT44.53- 438.04249.68
Other financial income62.545.1159.16
Other financial expenses- 428.76- 466.85- 654.02
Pre-tax profit- 321.69- 899.78- 345.18
Income taxes68.84-68.84
Net earnings- 252.84- 968.62- 345.18

Assets (kDKK)

Goodwill5 143.004 865.005 066.17
Intangible assets total5 143.004 865.005 066.17
Machinery and equipment107.29292.30652.47
Tangible assets total107.29292.30652.47
Other receivables28.13
Investments total28.13
Long term receivables total
Finished products/goods4 419.741 608.321 808.12
Advance payments1 586.751 083.21656.96
Inventories total6 006.492 691.532 465.08
Current trade debtors2 137.001 126.143 575.17
Prepayments and accrued income22.1823.3037.39
Current other receivables527.87137.07245.50
Current deferred tax assets68.84
Short term receivables total2 755.891 286.513 858.06
Cash and bank deposits159.9118.0592.84
Cash and cash equivalents159.9118.0592.84
Balance sheet total (assets)14 200.699 153.3812 134.62

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital400.00400.00400.00
Retained earnings- 252.84-1 221.46
Profit of the financial year- 252.84- 968.62- 345.18
Shareholders equity total147.16- 821.46-1 166.64
Non-current liabilities total
Current loans from credit institutions9 483.437 953.789 247.11
Advances received238.4483.10
Current trade creditors642.11318.03623.96
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities3 689.561 619.943 430.20
Current liabilities total14 053.539 974.8513 301.26
Balance sheet total (liabilities)14 200.699 153.3812 134.62
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