GRAUNKÆR HOLDING A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 32364691
Boller Slotsvej 17, 8700 Horsens

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212
Net sales
Gross profit24 642.5427 305.85
Employee benefit expenses-13 427.13-14 976.52
Other operating expenses-32.61-5.00
Total depreciation-1 543.77-3 047.59
Reduction in value of non-current assets400.00
EBIT10 039.049 276.75
Other financial income942.0615 802.18
Other financial expenses-6 735.18-7 929.60
Pre-tax profit4 245.9217 149.33
Income taxes-1 462.43-3 970.92
Net earnings2 783.5013 178.40

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Buildings344 725.10343 997.31
Machinery and equipment4 675.4618 879.13
Tangible assets total349 400.55362 876.44
Other receivables356 799.00360 630.00363 401.0050.0050.00
Investments total356 799.00360 630.00363 401.0050.0050.00
Non-current loans receivable772.42671.67
Long term receivables total772.42671.67
Finished products/goods12 039.9910 964.45
Inventories total12 039.9910 964.45
Current trade debtors3 203.173 949.35
Prepayments and accrued income363.60582.47
Current other receivables2 729.702 720.78
Short term receivables total6 296.477 252.60
Other current investments334.07323.00
Cash and bank deposits5 002.45213.00
Cash and cash equivalents5 336.53535.99
Balance sheet total (assets)356 799.00360 630.00363 401.00373 895.96382 351.15

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital85 422.0087 278.0094 385.00500.00500.00
Retained earnings95 070.2597 853.75
Profit of the financial year2 783.5013 178.40
Shareholders equity total85 422.0087 278.0094 385.0098 353.75111 532.15
Provisions23 949.6928 001.47
Capital loans15 979.5016 618.68
Non-current loans from credit institutions203 506.39186 350.09
Non-current deferred tax liabilities125.00100.00
Non-current liabilities total219 610.89203 068.77
Current loans from credit institutions10 287.7416 173.80
Advances received281.50605.90
Current trade creditors4 295.124 311.65
Current owed to participating802.071 574.02
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities16 178.1816 009.68
Accruals and deferred income137.011 073.71
Current liabilities total31 981.6339 748.76
Balance sheet total (liabilities)85 422.0087 278.0094 385.00373 895.96382 351.15
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