CVR number: 25371828
Randersvej 51, Mejlby 8981 Spentrup
tel: 86441411

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit2 268.502 278.192 274.992 392.002 835.84
Employee benefit expenses-1 648.78-1 606.77-1 832.13-1 792.00-1 978.02
Other operating expenses-20.44-26.00-12.76
Total depreciation- 127.39- 130.13- 120.29- 140.00- 174.33
Other financial income0.761.332.400.22
Other financial expenses-96.41-63.82-99.15- 196.00- 329.67
Reduction non-current investment assets0.235.823.00
Income from other inv. held as non-curr. assets1.03
Pre-tax profit397.72479.04211.20241.00341.29
Income taxes-89.82- 105.69-45.30-48.00-86.22
Net earnings307.90373.35165.90193.00255.08

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Land and waters1 523.731 549.001 547.50
Machinery and equipment810.58530.92425.00719.00877.95
Tangible assets total810.58530.921 948.732 526.002 664.90
Other receivables-0.00
Investments total-0.00
Non-current loans receivable14.7215.6322.0425.0024.71
Long term receivables total14.7215.6322.0425.0024.71
Finished products/goods2 629.972 999.763 328.775 650.005 267.04
Inventories total2 629.972 999.763 328.775 650.005 267.04
Current trade debtors275.2890.39139.88245.00100.76
Prepayments and accrued income18.0112.434.9315.0018.68
Current other receivables17.103.58516.004.85
Current deferred tax assets0.49
Short term receivables total293.78119.92148.40776.00124.29
Other current investments2.692.924.244.004.18
Cash and bank deposits24.880.8712.8941.006.94
Cash and cash equivalents27.573.7917.1345.0011.12
Balance sheet total (assets)3 776.623 670.025 465.089 022.008 092.05

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital588.00588.00588.00588.00588.00
Share premium account58.7858.7858.7859.0058.78
Shares repurchased192.00200.0080.0090.00120.00
Retained earnings44.31152.21445.56521.00594.44
Profit of the financial year307.90373.35165.90193.00255.08
Shareholders equity total1 190.991 372.351 338.241 451.001 616.30
Non-current loans from credit institutions956.00928.38
Non-current owed to group member197.80169.36139.77
Non-current other liabilities11.2132.1133.88
Non-current liabilities total209.01201.47173.65956.00928.38
Current loans from credit institutions485.29732.252 759.175 049.003 580.30
Advances received139.8184.99129.86154.00138.57
Current trade creditors1 169.6187.07139.21372.0098.07
Current owed to participating201.42111.48435.27617.00799.89
Short-term deferred tax liabilities56.6755.7836.0034.56
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities375.61969.88390.50346.00820.64
Current liabilities total2 371.722 042.343 909.806 574.005 472.04
Balance sheet total (liabilities)3 776.623 670.025 465.089 022.008 092.05
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