Pejsegaarden events ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 37254932
Kong Georgs Vej 42, 2000 Frederiksberg

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit656.4443.511 666.171 946.611 730.83
Employee benefit expenses- 987.46- 612.55- 540.59- 600.13-1 139.58
Total depreciation- 100.13-13.72
EBIT- 431.15- 569.031 111.861 346.48591.25
Other financial income2.747.623.290.13
Other financial expenses-16.39-22.02-30.47-17.81-14.78
Pre-tax profit- 444.80- 583.431 084.681 328.66576.59
Income taxes71.79226.59- 334.49- 295.82- 130.09
Net earnings- 373.01- 356.84750.191 032.84446.51

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Machinery and equipment130.2813.72
Other tangible assets46.3246.3246.3246.32
Tangible assets total130.2860.0446.3246.3246.32
Other receivables285.00
Investments total285.00
Long term receivables total
Advance payments155.34357.84
Inventories total155.34357.84
Current trade debtors65.6911.9749.9594.28158.47
Current amounts owed by group member comp.628.91487.74309.48239.25
Current other receivables1 068.11866.99767.37752.36
Current deferred tax assets82.72211.77
Short term receivables total777.321 291.861 404.671 171.131 150.09
Cash and bank deposits143.5074.06235.10508.99109.07
Cash and cash equivalents143.5074.06235.10508.99109.07
Balance sheet total (assets)1 336.111 425.951 686.091 881.781 663.32

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital50.0050.0050.0050.0050.00
Shares repurchased225.00200.00
Retained earnings- 273.25- 646.25-1 003.09- 477.90354.94
Profit of the financial year- 373.01- 356.84750.191 032.84446.51
Shareholders equity total- 596.26- 953.09- 202.90829.941 051.45
Non-current liabilities total
Current trade creditors40.23
Current owed to participating216.14215.38211.16368.21127.02
Current owed to group member1 549.64
Short-term deferred tax liabilities251.26309.19140.10
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities151.762 123.431 426.57374.43344.75
Current liabilities total1 917.552 379.051 888.991 051.84611.87
Balance sheet total (liabilities)1 336.111 425.951 686.091 881.781 663.32
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