KECA A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 28976992
Baldersvej 1, 4100 Ringsted
tel: 77778989

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit1 962.502 336.761 618.872 067.402 127.88
Employee benefit expenses-1 646.15-1 614.51-1 849.06-1 630.53-1 968.58
Other operating expenses-8.24
Total depreciation-81.78-90.78-12.98-9.00-11.92
EBIT234.57631.48- 251.41427.87147.38
Other financial income3.4022.330.346.290.99
Other financial expenses-66.72-48.82-59.72-85.42- 131.48
Pre-tax profit171.25605.00- 310.79348.7416.90
Income taxes-45.63- 135.8563.24-78.48-7.99
Net earnings125.62469.15- 247.55270.278.90

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Machinery and equipment153.99108.2227.0018.0041.08
Tangible assets total153.99108.2227.0018.0041.08
Other receivables189.97189.97189.97189.9780.00
Investments total189.97189.97189.97189.9780.00
Long term receivables total
Finished products/goods2 936.962 570.882 406.392 318.542 777.74
Inventories total2 936.962 570.882 406.392 318.542 777.74
Current trade debtors1 653.36906.731 214.271 004.651 108.51
Current amounts owed by group member comp.15.289.77
Prepayments and accrued income63.0120.57
Current other receivables24.2916.704.00
Current deferred tax assets13.0638.93102.1723.697.13
Short term receivables total1 690.71960.931 342.901 091.351 140.21
Cash and bank deposits546.97555.82226.19814.19725.98
Cash and cash equivalents546.97555.82226.19814.19725.98
Balance sheet total (assets)5 518.614 385.824 192.454 432.054 765.02

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital500.00500.00500.00500.00500.00
Shares repurchased500.00
Retained earnings530.01155.63625.94378.39648.65
Profit of the financial year125.62469.15- 247.55270.278.90
Shareholders equity total1 155.631 624.78878.391 148.651 157.56
Non-current loans from credit institutions83.11
Non-current owed to group member1 824.66
Non-current other liabilities99.85
Non-current deferred tax liabilities47.97102.81106.00
Non-current liabilities total131.081 924.50102.81106.00
Current trade creditors1 399.83498.201 035.03874.131 065.19
Current owed to group member1 835.301 341.161 904.341 858.14
Short-term deferred tax liabilities161.71
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities996.77759.97354.54402.11574.53
Current liabilities total4 231.902 761.041 389.563 180.593 497.86
Balance sheet total (liabilities)5 518.614 385.824 192.454 432.054 765.02
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