VESTAS MANUFACTURING A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 27988210
Hedeager 42, 8200 Aarhus N

Income statement (mDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales48 189.0050 729.0047 602.0041 353.6737 691.90
Costs of manufacturing-41 128.65-37 412.30
Gross profit61.00155.00- 116.00225.02279.60
EBIT61.00155.00- 116.00225.02279.60
Other financial income647.19647.94
Other financial expenses- 613.91- 772.64
Net income from associates (fin.)- 265.98-4.04
Pre-tax profit-7.68150.87
Income taxes- 178.87-15.03
Net earnings- 186.55135.84

Assets (mDKK)

Development expenditure1.12
Intangible assets total41.69
Land and waters160.3857.74
Machinery and equipment1 519.301 185.37
Advance payments and construction in progress502.01718.22
Tangible assets total2 425.972 069.80
Holdings in group member companies1 420.921 418.20
Other receivables15 753.0019 492.0024 833.00
Investments total15 753.0019 492.0024 833.001 420.921 418.20
Non-current other receivables96.72
Long term receivables total96.72
Semifinished products80.58284.71
Raw materials and consumables2 199.981 586.66
Finished products/goods9 325.7711 082.75
Inventories total11 606.3312 954.12
Current trade debtors61.95189.43
Current amounts owed by group member comp.4 527.681 207.21
Prepayments and accrued income25.47186.12
Current other receivables595.00720.84
Current deferred tax assets233.77150.71
Short term receivables total5 443.862 454.32
Cash and bank deposits62.77
Cash and cash equivalents62.77
Balance sheet total (assets)15 753.0019 492.0024 833.0020 938.7819 055.93

Equity and liabilities (mDKK)

Share capital7 265.007 503.007 799.00100.00100.00
Other restricted equity77.62-96.68
Retained earnings7 150.886 964.33
Profit of the financial year- 186.55135.84
Shareholders equity total7 265.007 503.007 799.007 141.957 103.49
Non-current leasing loans143.5681.93
Non-current liabilities total143.5681.93
Advances received1 551.33451.52
Current trade creditors6 788.725 645.30
Current owed to group member4 650.475 182.25
Short-term deferred tax liabilities483.29317.24
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities179.47274.20
Current liabilities total13 653.2711 870.52
Balance sheet total (liabilities)7 265.007 503.007 799.0020 938.7819 055.93
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