P/S Obton Sun — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 41682647
Kristine Nielsens Gade 5, 8000 Aarhus C

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length12121212
Net sales
Gross profit
EBIT-12.81-49.38121 791.70-92.28
Other financial income4 889.678 975.14
Other financial expenses-6.32- 651.01-12 454.33-20 035.82
Reduction non-current investment assets- 157 117.38
Net income from associates (fin.)349 725.00317 542.7210 087.63
Pre-tax profit349 705.88159 724.95114 227.04-1 065.34
Net earnings349 705.88159 724.95114 227.04-1 065.34

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Tangible assets total
Holdings in group member companies6 772.6526 241.0510 034.12
Investments total6 772.6526 241.0510 034.12
Non-curr. owed by group member comp.243 549.00
Long term receivables total243 549.00
Inventories total
Current trade debtors106 745.89
Current amounts owed by group member comp.401 083.17217 889.14185 468.73
Current other receivables106 075.0070 942.6112 215.6318 516.53
Current deferred tax assets39.38
Short term receivables total106 075.00472 025.78336 850.65204 024.64
Cash and bank deposits3 819.38115.40258.041 106.13
Cash and cash equivalents3 819.38115.40258.041 106.13
Balance sheet total (assets)353 443.38478 913.83363 349.73215 164.89

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital3 725.003 725.003 725.003 725.00
Shares repurchased340 000.00150 000.00110 000.00
Retained earnings- 340 000.00- 140 294.13-90 569.1723 657.87
Profit of the financial year349 705.88159 724.95114 227.04-1 065.34
Shareholders equity total353 430.88173 155.83137 382.8726 317.53
Non-current liabilities total
Current trade creditors12.5087.2587.25
Current owed to group member45 472.83114 932.54188 760.10
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities260 285.18110 947.08
Current liabilities total12.50305 758.00225 966.87188 847.35
Balance sheet total (liabilities)353 443.38478 913.83363 349.73215 164.89
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