Styrket Job Enhed ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 31864070
Store Kirkestræde 3, 1073 København K
tel: 25151378

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit6 616.254 109.552 306.171 609.96882.62
Employee benefit expenses-6 054.34-4 596.76-2 266.90-1 763.59-1 344.34
Total depreciation- 141.59- 443.37-49.72-34.23-37.05
EBIT420.32- 930.58-10.44- 187.86- 498.77
Other financial income0.700.07
Other financial expenses-14.11-30.85-45.52-39.29-11.73
Pre-tax profit406.92- 961.42-55.90- 227.16- 510.51
Income taxes- 103.86109.2421.0744.87- 154.34
Net earnings303.06- 852.18-34.83- 182.29- 664.85

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Machinery and equipment491.9363.8632.4114.14
Tangible assets total557.60105.8556.1321.90
Other receivables133.22
Investments total133.22
Non-current other receivables183.14180.14108.60
Long term receivables total183.14180.14108.60
Inventories total
Current trade debtors1 139.641 016.19704.94509.85142.48
Current other receivables244.90360.96407.8996.93
Short term receivables total1 139.641 261.091 065.91917.75239.41
Cash and bank deposits1 452.56107.20211.11
Cash and cash equivalents1 452.56107.20211.11
Balance sheet total (assets)3 283.021 550.081 409.381 048.24450.52

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital50.0050.0050.0050.0050.00
Retained earnings1 293.371 027.73175.55140.72-41.57
Profit of the financial year303.06- 852.18-34.83- 182.29- 664.85
Shareholders equity total1 646.43225.55190.728.43- 656.41
Non-current owed to group member212.78
Non-current deferred tax liabilities97.27
Non-current liabilities total310.05
Current loans from credit institutions80.75572.43128.82
Current trade creditors51.7619.557.053.65
Current owed to participating202.9916.3858.38
Short-term deferred tax liabilities504.96
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities821.58989.03610.30845.561 103.29
Current liabilities total1 326.541 324.531 218.661 039.811 106.93
Balance sheet total (liabilities)3 283.021 550.081 409.381 048.24450.52
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