E-gruppen ApS

CVR number: 38378953
Rugmarken 20, 3520 Farum

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length12121212
Net sales
Gross profit781.351 145.752 889.841 759.69
Employee benefit expenses- 691.14- 976.75-3 041.27-2 131.14
Other operating expenses-60.04
Total depreciation-1.59-3.83-13.91
EBIT90.21167.41- 155.25- 445.40
Other financial income1.643.09
Other financial expenses-2.51-24.63- 111.76- 159.69
Pre-tax profit87.70142.78- 265.38- 602.00
Income taxes-21.90-40.8157.00-49.24
Net earnings65.80101.97- 208.38- 651.24

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Machinery and equipment17.5513.72138.70
Tangible assets total17.5513.72138.70
Other receivables19.2019.2040.00
Investments total19.2019.2040.00
Long term receivables total
Finished products/goods195.0070.0098.49
Inventories total195.0070.0098.49
Current trade debtors460.63765.791 102.831 376.75
Prepayments and accrued income6.0054.5545.33
Current other receivables93.06480.86706.73350.00
Current deferred tax assets49.24
Short term receivables total559.701 301.201 858.811 772.09
Cash and bank deposits312.93112.35368.720.02
Cash and cash equivalents312.93112.35368.720.02
Balance sheet total (assets)872.631 645.302 330.442 049.29

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital50.0050.0050.0050.00
Retained earnings-63.022.77104.75- 103.63
Profit of the financial year65.80101.97- 208.38- 651.24
Shareholders equity total52.78154.75-53.63- 704.88
Non-current liabilities total
Current loans from credit institutions102.98110.17125.30
Current trade creditors177.62856.58797.77557.86
Current owed to participating9.7446.29
Current owed to group member16.3664.8764.87
Short-term deferred tax liabilities4.1222.57
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities628.37484.321 411.271 959.85
Current liabilities total819.851 482.802 384.082 754.17
Balance sheet total (liabilities)872.631 645.302 330.442 049.29
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