KJIH EJENDOMME ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 31151929
Slotsgade 88, 9330 Dronninglund

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit169.00178.00172.00107.0064.28
Reduction in value of non-current assets-90.00275.00- 300.00
EBIT79.00453.00172.00107.00- 235.72
Other financial expenses-50.00-40.00-37.00-32.00-27.92
Pre-tax profit29.00413.00135.0075.00- 263.64
Income taxes-13.00-69.00-30.00-18.0057.97
Net earnings16.00344.00105.0057.00- 205.67

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Buildings2 900.002 800.002 800.002 800.002 500.00
Tangible assets total2 900.002 800.002 800.002 800.002 500.00
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current other receivables1.92
Current deferred tax assets10.05
Short term receivables total11.97
Cash and bank deposits77.00467.00258.00133.0031.96
Cash and cash equivalents77.00467.00258.00133.0031.96
Balance sheet total (assets)2 977.003 267.003 058.002 933.002 543.92

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital126.00126.00126.00126.00126.00
Shares repurchased250.00
Retained earnings1 137.00904.001 248.001 352.001 409.73
Profit of the financial year16.00344.00105.0057.00- 205.67
Shareholders equity total1 279.001 624.001 479.001 535.001 330.06
Non-current loans from credit institutions1 483.001 396.001 291.001 181.001 073.19
Non-current liabilities total1 483.001 396.001 291.001 181.001 073.19
Current loans from credit institutions110.0095.0096.00100.00100.00
Short-term deferred tax liabilities18.0061.0065.0018.00
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities37.0024.0050.0013.0012.97
Current liabilities total165.00180.00211.00131.00112.97
Balance sheet total (liabilities)2 977.003 267.003 058.002 933.002 543.92
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