BV Handel ApS

CVR number: 27518524
Knudlundvej 14, 8653 Them
tel: 51739173

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length12121212
Net sales
Gross profit- 856.66-54.23- 125.60-18.15
Employee benefit expenses- 886.52- 428.98- 300.00- 150.00
Total depreciation-62.50-62.50-62.50-62.50
EBIT-1 805.68- 545.71- 488.10- 230.65
Other financial income1.460.04
Other financial expenses- 442.14- 507.68- 369.65- 297.01
Pre-tax profit-2 246.36-1 053.39- 857.75- 527.62
Income taxes491.14226.75181.33115.31
Net earnings-1 755.22- 826.64- 676.42- 412.31

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible rights412.50350.00287.50225.00
Intangible assets total412.50350.00287.50225.00
Tangible assets total
Investments total
Non-current loans receivable946.45946.45946.45946.45
Long term receivables total946.45946.45946.45946.45
Finished products/goods50.0050.0050.0050.00
Inventories total50.0050.0050.0050.00
Current trade debtors131.94100.9761.27
Current other receivables1 346.501 209.311 206.60234.70
Current deferred tax assets785.721 012.481 193.811 309.12
Short term receivables total2 264.162 322.752 461.681 543.81
Cash and bank deposits96.291.42
Cash and cash equivalents96.291.42
Balance sheet total (assets)3 769.403 670.623 745.632 765.26

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital125.00125.00125.00125.00
Retained earnings823.60- 931.62-1 758.26-2 434.68
Profit of the financial year-1 755.22- 826.64- 676.42- 412.31
Shareholders equity total- 806.62-1 633.26-2 309.68-2 721.99
Non-current loans from credit institutions1 280.232 199.142 391.152 372.76
Non-current other liabilities931.351 182.231 436.231 480.40
Non-current liabilities total2 211.583 381.383 827.393 853.16
Current loans from credit institutions1 768.741 134.241 565.301 141.85
Current trade creditors292.70369.27368.05259.86
Current owed to participating34.83
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities267.43379.56212.30232.38
Accruals and deferred income35.584.6182.28
Current liabilities total2 364.441 922.512 227.921 634.09
Balance sheet total (liabilities)3 769.403 670.623 745.632 765.26
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